vampire secrets 3

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Ok guys the stories are getting a little more feedback so I'm happy but it's not exactly making me ecstatic. (Which is what you want me to be because the chapters will come sooner?) I almost decided to just write the story (because I love writing it) and not upload it for a couple weeks and see if you will comment then. But that would be evil so I'm not going to (unless I have to). So I decided that if I get 5 comments on this chapter than I will upload the next chapter of this story plus the next chapter of The mafia princess. Don't you want to know who the man with Jaden is or what Colton will say? If I don't get the 5 comments then I'm still going to write both chapters but I'm not going to upload them for a day or two. Sorry if you hate me for this but I have to know if I'm just writing a crappy story. I mean I've given you drama, romance, and action what more do you want? Ok enough with my rant! Hope you like it...

Ps I usually put a exclamation point at the end when I say 'hope you like it' but I didn't this time. That will show you! 8)


"small world." Ryan said. I just nodded; I know my mouth is hanging open. "I guess we can go out for coffee now. It just might be a little later than we planned. What do you say?"he asked. I almost said yes. "id love to but I have to go visit my sister." I said. How many times has she ruined my life!? "oh well maybe we can go see her together and we can all get coffee." He suggested. Oh no no no.... "I don't think so she can't leave her building to get coffee" I said. "oh is she sick? We can bring her some sprite and then go out to eat or something." Man the boy won't give up will he? Well here it goes. Time to ruin my next possible relationship...... "listen I would love to get coffee or eat dinner with you but the thing is.... My sister is in rehab. I'm going to visit her today because she's on drugs, and she may be crazy from withdraws but then again she's always crazy." I just kept on the words pouring from my mouth. "whoa it's ok. My brother is in rehab. I know what it's like. I used to have to help him off my bathroom floor when he would get brave and try to get off them. The next morning id have to watch him when he came home stoned. Maybe I can help you talk to her. Besides they can get violent the first week or two." He offered. I breathed a sigh of relief. "thank you so much! I know it's probably not going to go well between us because I basically dragged her to rehab." I gave him one winning smiles.


We had the same schedule so school just flew by. The girls glared at me and the guys glared at Ryan. We ignored them and talked and laughed and just enjoyed each other. For once I didn't think about my secret or feel guilty that I looked the way I do because someone made me this way. When school ended I drove my car to the rehab center and Ryan followed me. When we pulled up Ryan opened my door before I even grabbed the handle. That's weird humans can't move that fast. I just brushed it off. He helped me out and stared at the sign. "this is my brother goes." He said. "oh well maybe you can visit him."I said while grabbing bags out of my car. they all had clothes and bedding in them. He carried then=m into the front desk where they checked the bags. I know it was silly but I blushed when they pulled out some of the lacier things. The man at the desk just nodded and led us to a room. It was really nice, with thick carpet and big soft couches. At least I could give her a nice place to stay. A women asked us for our names. When I told her mine her mouth fell open. "zadie Blake? You're on just about ever magazine cover imaginable! I love your lingerie sets you designed." She said. Then she leaned closer and said "I'm wearing one of them right now!" ugh not what I needed to hear. She must not have said it very softly because Ryan started to cover chuckles but as soon as we got into my sisters new room he was laughing uncontrollably. He was rolling on the ground. My sister was sitting on the bed looking out the window. "hey sis I bought you some cute new clothes. I see you got a shower. I can do your hair and makeup and we can decide If I need to take anything back and get a different size." I said she just kept staring out the window. My sister was never good at the silent treatment or the quit game because she liked being the center of attention. I nudged Ryan with my foot, worried. He jumped up and when he saw my expression he stopped laughing. "its ok. This happens. She's depressed the next stage is anger. You just have to get her to move around." He said. I walked to her and pulled her to her feet, she just stared at me. I took her into the bathroom and made her put some clothes on. Then I told her that I had always wanted her to teach me how to do her famous model strut. I fixed her hair and makeup. She looked, well better, not as good as she used to. I think when she gets rid of the dark circles under her eyes and gets her tan back shell look pretty. Not gorgeous but pretty. Ryan went to get his brother. He shook my hand and looked totally healthy and sane. He wasn't as cute as Ryan but he was handsome. He talked to my sister and after a while she looked a little less pale and actually smiled. Which reminded me. I put some crest white strips on her teeth and had her brush them like five times. When she was done her teeth were actually not that bad. She will never have her old award winning smile but its ok. I pulled her out of the bathroom and Ryan's brother, Caden, looked stunned. The match maker side of my mind kicked in and I smiled. I told you she might meet someone nice! Ok well I said a druggie and then made a mean comment but who cares about the details. She showed me the walk a couple times and I couldn't help thinking how sad it was that she could barely put one foot in front of the other, but she did it. She even laughed and coached me on how to do it right. When I got it right I grabbed Ryan and made him learn how. It was pretty funny and by the time he got it right my stomach was hurting. Mostly because he would go a little ways, pretend to flick his hair over his shoulder, put his hand on his hip, and then wink at me. I heard Caden say "If he didn't keep winking at her I would say he was gay." When it was time for us to go my sister looked a lot better and Caden promised to stay with her when the withdraws kicked in. I kissed him on the cheek and went to my car. Ryan opened my door and helped me in. "why is your brother in there? He seems clean." I asked. "because he knows that he could drive down the street and be right back on it. He could be high in an hour and he's resisting temptation." He said. "he's a good guy. I owe him for watching my sister. I owe you too." I said. He grinned "I think of some ways you can repay me."

"oh ya? Hmm what will it cost me?" I asked playing along. "oh I don't know............ how about a kiss?" he asked. This might be fun. "that seems fair" I said seconds before his lips crashed to mine. I ran my fingers through his hair and since I was sitting in my pickup his hips were the perfect height for me to wrap my legs around. I pulled away gasping. In a daze I whispered bye, shut my door and started the short drive home. I watched him in my mirror. He looked dazed and even as I started down the road I knew his eyes were shinning with desire.

Ok this whole page is dedicated to getting you to comment so



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Ok well I think you get what I want! So bye. (Ha! I didn't put an exclamation point on that either!)

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