Part 2

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|| Yn's home ||

They both collided on the couch as they were tired .

Yn : You sit . I'm coming with our tea .

Taehyung : Ok .

His mood lit up as he loved tea mostly when it is made by Yn and Yn also knew that .

After some time Yn came with two cup of tea after changing into some comfy .

Yn : Here take this .

Taehyung took and sip it immediately.

Yn : Slowly you'll burn your tongue.

Taehyung : It's my fav you know right .

Yn : Still .

~~ After some times ~~

Yn : We'll do home works and then we'll have fun.

Taehyung nodded with a pout .

Yn came with study materials and started studying .

Yn was serious a lot about studying . She's not a nerd but a back bencher . She was a cool girl but when it's about study time she was serious than everything . She also helped Taehyung to focus on studies and his own career.

Yn : Ok let's start.

Taehyung nodded.

Taehyung : Yn !! Can you solve this one ?

Yn : Let me see .

Yn : Ok . Then listen ......

Then she started explaining  while her  focus was on explaining. She didn't know someone else was focused on her the way she was looking comfy with him , the way she was talking .

Yn : Do you understand now ?

Taehyung : Yes !! Thank you .

Yn : My pleasure .

Then they started doing their homeworks .

Taehyung : Take those notes . This was given when you're absent because of your illness .

Yn : Thank you Tae.

Taehyung smiled looking at her happy face.

Then she took the notes and went to keep it at her study room .

Then Yn came back .

Yn : Now it's funtime .

Taehyung : Indoor or outdoor ?

Yn : Ummm ! I'm lazy . So indoor .

Taehyung : Let's play video game---

He stopped looking at her deadly stares.

Taehyung was game addicted but Yn helped her to come from the addiction .

Taehyung : Nah nah !! We'll not play any video games . That's bad . Hehe . ( Awkward smile )

Yn : Hmmm... That's good .

Yn said in a cold tone that sent shivers to his heart .

Taehyung : How about we watch some kdrama ? I know you love it right ?

Yn : Ok . Let's go .

Then she ran towards her living room happily . Taehyung chuckled before following her from behind .

They started watching the drama where it showed that the male lead was in love with a girl who was pretty but she betrayed her but then the female lead who was not that pretty but still Adorable came and heal the male lead's heart. They fell in love with eachother .

Yn : Woahh !! It was nice !!

Taehyung : Yeah !! I think sometimes pretty face doesn't have pretty heart and pretty heart doesn't need a pretty face.

He smiled .

Yn : Yeah you can't find a pretty heart in a pretty face sometimes and a pretty face in a pretty heart .

Yn siad indicating to herself because she was insecure about herself. She thought she was not enough pretty according to their school girls .

Taehyung noticed the insecure about herself . But for Taehyung her heart and her whole self was more than pretty to him .

Taehyung : But you know what I know a girl who had pretty face with a pretty heart .

Yn : Really ? Who's the girl !!

Taehyung : Nah . You won't know.

Yn : Ohh ok.

Then the door bell rang .

Yn : I think mom is here .

Yn went towards the door and opened it revealing her mom .

Yn : Did you enjoy ?

Y/Mom : Yes . It was fun .

Then Taehyung came with his bag .

Y/Mom : Where are you going ?

Taehyung : It's late . I've to go home .

Yn : Have dinner with us at least .

Taehyung : Nah . Next time .

He smiled at both of them before heading towards his house.

Y/Mom : He's such a nice guy . A full gentleman.

Yn : Yeah yeah !!

She said unbothered and went towards her place back .

Y/Mom chuckled thinking about something .

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