Part 8

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|| After 3 years ||

Yn plopped on the couch after working and studying all day long .

Yn looked at her mobile and called her parents .

Yn : Hey Mom ;!! How are you doing ?

Y/Mom : I'm fine . Just having breakfast . What are you doing ? Did you eat your dinner ?

( It was night time there , the time is different due to different countries )

Yn : Yes . Just now . I'll sleep after talking to you . What is Dad doing ?

Y/Mom : He left a while ago . He said me to tell you that don't take stress and take care of your health .

Yn : I'll mom . ( She said in a tired voice )

Y/Mom : You should sleep now . It's late .

Yn : Yes Mom . Take care you both .

Y/Mom : Hm. Bye .

Then she hung up the call and opened her gallery where she had her pictures when she was with her family .

Then a pic of her and Taehyung plopped..

Yn : I wonder how will you look now ? I didn't know that I'll miss you that much . I hope you're still my best friend even if we don't have the connection now . Did he finsih the friendship like he said he would ? But he hasn't tell me his feelings till now.

Unknowingly a tear escaped from her eyes . She started crying .

After crying she fell asleep .

She didn't have the connection with Tae because after Tae's flight to USA he changed his number so Yn couldn't find his number . Also Taehyung didn't contact Margot and Elliote so that they could give her his number.

|| Morning ||

Taehyung got down from the taxi before standing beside the university gate like he always would when he was in his country with Yn Infront of their college gate .

~~ Meanwhile ~~

Yn came from the university and saw a tall figure standing in front of the gate probably waiting for someone .

Suddenly a flashback of past came to her mind when Tae waited for her like this .

Yn smiled still looking at the gate but frowned when the tall figure started to come towards her .

As she didn't recognize the tall figured person because his face was covered by a mask and a cap .

The person came and stood in front of her .

Then the person took off the mask and the cap and ruffled his hair a bit before smiling widely .

Yn took a close look before widening her eyes . She was mesmerized by his glow up .

She was shocked happy excited . Mixed emotions were working on her face .

Taehyung : Remember me ?

Yn : How can I forget you ?

Taehyung smiled widely .

Yn : So how are you here ?

Taehyung : My graduation ended and I came here for a vacation and thought to meet you .

Yn : How did you know my university ?

Taehyung : From your Mom .

Yn gasped .

Yn : Then why didn't you contact me earlier if you had contacted mom ???

Taehyung : I Wanted us to focus on study . I didn't even contact Mom and Dad usually .

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