Part 5

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||| College |||

Yn was walking through the hall probably searching Taehyung as she didn't find her at the gate .

Then she spotted Margot obviously after her Taehyung was mostly close with him .

Yn : Hey !! Margot !!!

Margot : Yes Yn ?

Yn : Did you see Taehyung ?

Margot : No . He's maybe absent today . Why didn't he tell you ?

Yn : No .

She sighed .

Margot : By the way Yn !!

Yn : Yes. 

Margot : Can you spare some time to talk . It's really important .

Yn : Yes .

Then they stood in a corner .

Margot : Actually Yn !! It's about Taehyung !

Yn : What's the matter ?

Her heart beat started increasing she didn't know why but her curiousness about something made her do .

Margot : Actually Yn he loves you .

Yn : I know---

Margot : Not as a friend .

Yn : What do you mean ?

Margot : He loves you as a girl . Didn't you notice how he cares for you , how he admires you . Wait let me show you something .

Then he show his mobile where his and Taehyung's message was there.

|| Message||

Taehyung : Yes l love her not as a friend but as a girl .

Margot : Did she know ?

Taehyung : No . And if I tell her she will say no . I know . She believes that every best friends that is a girl and boy must have to be couple . She wanted to prove it . But I failed . I fall in love with her unknowingly.

Margot : What will you do now ? In future she must find a boy for her .

Taehyung : I don't know . I don't know  about myself . I'm not sure whether I can stay beside her with my broken heart in future when she will find a boy .


Margot : Yn !! I want to tell that please don't hurt him , When you're the one who healed after his mental breakdown .

Yn sighed heavily. Yn took a deep breath and said .

Yn : Look Margot !! I know it's not in our hand to fall in love with anyone . I totally appreciate his feelings . No one can control their feelings . I'm not angry with that he fell in love with me . He has the right to fall in love with anyone . But as you know you can't force anyone to love back . I don't know . But I won't hurt him . He's my best friend. I don't want to intentionally hurt him . But as I said before I adore him as a friend . I can't force myself to love him right ?

Margot sighed and said .

Margot : I totally understand your situation. I just wanted you to know so that you can be alert before something happened. And please don't tell him that I tell you about those things .

Yn : You can trust me !! I won't tell .

She gave a smile and went from there .

Yn didn't burst out or she wasn't angry because her best friend fell in love with her  despite of the fact that she shared with him about this matter . She was mature about those things and knew it was a sensitive matter .

Taehyung was in love before with a girl . About 1 year she was with him but at the end she left him . That's the time when he was mentally broke . But at that time Yn was their to fix him . She helped him to move on .

Then she told him to not date anyone at this age . He also agreed with him . But eventually he fell in love with his own best friend that he can't control now .

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