Prologue: I Promise

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The wind was blowing. Leaves were crunching as a horse ran through them. Linnea looked to her right and left. But the kings and queens were nowhere to be found.

After riding for another few minutes, she stumbled upon a strange sight. There, right before her eyes, stood all four of their horses. But no signs of Peter, Susan, Edmund, or Lucy.

"Lady Linnea", Edmund's horse, Phillip greeted.

"Phillip. What happened? Where's Edmund?"

The horse nodded in the direction the kings and queens had gone hours ago.

"They haven't been back for hours"

Linnea grew worried. What if something awful had happened to them. Her friends. Her beloved.

She was about to steer her horse in the direction that Phillip had pointed out when a familiar wind stopped her. She turned around in her saddle.


Surely enough. There stood the friend she had been missing for years. With the same golden fur and mane. The same eyes, full of wisdom. Besides the fact that he did appear a bit, taller, he also seemed very serious. Upset, even.

"Worry not", the lion spoke with his signature deep, and soothing voice. "The kings and queens are alive and well"

A wave of relief washed over Linnea. At least they were safe. "But where are they?"

The lion gave her a solemn look. "They have returned to their world".

This news shook the girl to her core. 'They're gone? No. They couldn't be. Just like that? But what of Edmund? Did he WANT to leave her? '

"I can assure you, it was not their intention to leave", Aslan spoke, as if reading her mind. "It was no one's intent" Linnea was confused by his words. "How did it happen, then?"

"Some things are out of even my control"

The confused Lady looked to her feet in sorrow, as the lion's words were sinking in. She still couldn't believe what was happening. Just a few hours ago, everything was just fine.

"Now you must be strong, dear one. And fulfill the task given to you"

Linnea raised her head in confusion. "I thought the prophecy was fulfilled years ago?"

"That is not what I am referring to, Lady Linnea. The day you agreed to be Narnias royal advisor, you agreed to assist in providing, and ensuring, its wellbeing"

After a few seconds of thinking, Linnea eyed the lion carefully. She was afraid to ask what was on her mind, as she already knew the answer. But still, she had to try.

"With all due respect, Aslan. I also made a promise to Edmund long ago, to always be by his side"

As predicted, the lion's face grew stern. "I'm afraid that's not an option. While your sorrows are understandable, as Narnias royal advisor, you are obligated to your people. You must put your selfish thoughts aside and honor that commitment. With the kings and queens gone, Narnia will need someone to look out for it in their absence"

"But you're the highest king. Couldn't you, do it?"

"I have other worlds to look out for, dear. Narnia needs you, who is always available"

Of course, Linnea knew Aslan was correct. She couldn't abandon her home and family. She'd never betray her parents like that. But the thought of losing Edmund... would she be able to live with that pain?

'Why must life be so unfair? ', she thought to herself, as the shock finally seemed to wash away, allowing her vision to grow blurry by the second. Aslan's face softened at the sight of the crying Lady.

"Do not lose hope, dear one. The Pevensie's time in Narnia is far from over"

Linnea sniffled and dried her tears. A sad smile formed on her lips at the lions consoling words.

"But until they return, you must be strong. Linnea. Do you promise to always make the choice that will benefit Narnia rather than yourself? No matter how difficult it may be?"

The young Lady bit the inner of her cheek. Putting one's feelings aside was a lot to ask. Especially when love and loss were involved. Truthfully, she wasn't sure she could do it. But for her family who had supported her, and her friends who had loved her, she was willing to try.

She looked at the awaiting lion. "I promise you, Aslan, I'll do my best"

With a soft chuckle, the lion responded, "I'd expect nothing less of you"

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