3. Memory

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Upon throwing another glance into his chest, Edmund spotted a silver sword with the silhouette of the moon on its shaft. Ignoring the lump in his throat, the Just King picked up the sword and unsheathed it.

"Let's get changed, first", Peter suggested. "We'll meet upstairs"

With that, the two brothers left the room to get changed.

"Are you alright, Ed?", Peter asked, concerned for his brother, who just shrugged in response.

After getting dressed, Edmund tied his sword around his waist and put the blue box in his inner pocket.

"You think it's safe to bring that?", Peter asked, eying his pocket.

Edmund looked at him slightly confused. "I mean, it might be safer to keep it here, so you don't lose it..."

"I want to have it on me", Edmund spoke softly.

"She's gone, Ed"

"How can, we be sure?", the young boy spoke abruptly. "Can you say for certain it has been that long? Maybe it's only been 5 years here like in England. Linnea is still alive. You'll see"

With a sigh, Peter decided to drop it.

The two boys made their way outside, where Lucy and Susan were already waiting.

Lucy wanted to make a snarky comment about the boys coming in last but decided against it.

"Let's go", Peter stated simply and led the way.


The young king snapped out of his thoughts and turned to see his friend.

"Are you okay?", she smiled as she sat down on the rock next to him.

Edmund glanced at her before turning his gaze back at the sun that was setting behind the sea.

"What if I mess up?", he asked, after a few seconds of silence. The young blonde looked at him puzzled. "Pardon?"

Edmund turned so all his attention was now focused on the girl next to him.

"Linnea, I sided with Jadis. Why would the Narnians trust me as their king? After what I did to them, all it'd take is one mistake and they'll all hate me within seconds"

"Edmund, that's just crazy talk! You helped defeat the white witch, remember? Even almost died in the process"

Linnea felt a tear threatening to fall. Thankfully, Edmund had turned his gaze back to the horizon, allowing her to dry her eyes before he'd notice.

"Besides, how could you mess up? I'm your royal advisor, after all", the girl smirked in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"You've been our royal advisor for less than an hour", Edmund chuckled.

"You haven't made a bad decision yet, have you?", Linnea grinned.

The newly crowned king grinned back, but only for a few seconds, as his eyes were once again glued to the setting sun.

"But, in all seriousness. What if I do mess up and everyone will hate me?"

Edmund's attention was broken when he felt a hand grab his own. He looked down at her hand in his, before his gaze followed her arm and eventually met her bright blue eyes.

"Then I'll stand by you. Always"

Edmund felt a tear trickle down his cheek. 'I'll stand by you. Always', her words echoed in his mind.

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