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The day went a lot smoother than I thought it would. There was a few giggles, but the children all seemed interested in what we would be learning this term.

Of course, the younger children will be spoken to about their body changes. The older ones will be receiving reproductive lessons.

Later that night, I was sitting in a chair drinking coffee and reading some of the new books I had bought in Hogsmeade. There was a knock on the door. I stood up and opened it. Severus walked in immediately. I shut the door behind him.

"Are you mad?" He asked, tensely.
I crossed my arms across my chest, as I was wearing a t-shirt that had Slytherin written across it, but I did not have a bra on under it.

"Umm... I suppose maybe in some ways, as we all are."

He huffed. "I'm not kidding! Did you know I'm the head of Slytherin House?"

I nodded. "I did."

"Okay, well I received a complaint that you cursed at Draco Malfoy."
I nodded. "I did."


"Because he was being a little shit."

"I know that, but you can't do that. His father..."

I chuckled. "Who, Lucius? He's a non-issue."

"Well, he will be an issue when he comes and demands Dumbledore fire you. He gives so much money to the school. He's not one to make an enemy out of."

"Believe me, Severus, as soon as Lucius hears my name, the subject will be dropped."

He stared at me a moment.
"Why? How do you even know Lucius?"

Shit! Why did I say that? I looked up at him. His eyes never left mine. "I... I just know him. It's not important. Just leave Lucius to me, but I guarantee you this will not be an issue."
He stood quietly, still looking me over. He continued to say nothing. I grew nervous. What was he thinking? Finally he says, "please don't bully Draco."
I smirked. "I respect anyone who respects me."
He smirked, knowing Draco wasn't exactly well versed in respect.

The next day, I sat in my office all day for counseling. It was slow, which I expected it to be, seeing as school just started and the students don't know me all that well.
After lunch, I returned to my office. There was a Ravenclaw girl waiting outside. "Good afternoon."
"Good afternoon, Professor Rose."
I began to unlock the door. I opened the door and walked in with the girl trailing in behind me and sitting in the seat in front of my desk.
I took my seat. "you need to talk?"
She nodded, "yes."
"Okay, let's start with your name."
"Amanda. I'm a 7th year so I'm won't be in any of your classes, but Dumbledore did say that you're office hours were for counseling all grades."
I nodded. "That is correct."
"I just... I have some questions and stuff, but I'm afraid for anyone to know."
I reached out and squeezed her hand that she has resting in my desk. "You don't have to worry. I am a sexual health counselor. But during school they don't only teach you the specialty you plan to work in. They teach you everything. And I'm a licensed counselor. I can't tell anyone anything you say with the exception that you plan to hurt yourself or someone else. If I did tell someone what you said, I would lose my licence and my job. And I love what I do, so no worries!"
She sighed in relief, "okay, I've been dating my boyfriend for nearly two years and we're thinking of... you know..."
I chuckled. "You can say it. I've heard everything."
She kind of laughed at herself. "Okay, we've been thinking of having sex. I'm a virgin and I'm afraid."
"That's not uncommon. What, exactly are you afraid of?"
She bit her lip. "I heard it hurts the first time. Is that true?"
"Yes," I answered her honestly. "There is a thin piece of skin inside your cervix. When the penis enters, the skin is ultimately torn. Also, because you've never had sex, when his penis enters you, it stretched the walls. It can be uncomfortable, but the more you do it, the less it hurts."
She sat quietly, looking at her lap. "Amanda, is your boyfriend pressuring you to have sex? Because you don't have to do that if you don't want to. If he loves you, he'd be willing to wait until you're ready."
"It's not that... I'm just afraid. My parents would kill me if I got pregnant. I mean, we've talked about getting married after school, but we want to settle down in life before we even think about kids."
"Okay, well luckily, being a witch can be a wonderful thing. There are potions I can give you. As long as you drink one every six months, you can't get pregnant."
"What about the muggle sexual diseases?"
I hesitated. "Those are a little tricky. Some potions have been made to cure some, but it seems like a new sexual diseases pops up faster than we can find a cure. I opened my desk and pulled out a condom.
"Do you know what this is?"
She shook her head, indicating she didn't. I stood up and walked to another shelf and pulled down a mold of a man's penis. "Muggles actually use these and they are quite effective so I suggest taking the birth control potion and using one of these for extra protection. These will protect you from those diseases."
I opened the package and I put the condom over the penis, showing her how to roll it on. "The latex protects you from diseases and from the semen the man ejaculates."
I looked up at her. Her eyes were wide. I couldn't help but laugh. "Amanda, are you okay?"
"Yeah... I just... there's a lot to all this. Is it really this complicated?"
I smiled. "No, not when you're with someone you love. It's a little weird at first, but trust me, once you're my age, it won't be a big deal at all."
She smiled. "Thank you... for talking to me, I mean."
"That's what I'm here for Amanda. You can come talk to me anytime, even if it's not about sex. You can trust me."
She smiled and stood up. "Believe me, I will definitely be coming back. You make it so easy. I can tell your not judging me."
"I'm not."
"I know. Thank you Professor Rose."
The rest of the day dragged by. Nobody else came by. I may talk to Dumbledore into letting me teach morning classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays and then hold my office hours in the afternoon. But I'll wait, it's only the first Tuesday. Things may pick up.

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