Kawaki and Daemon vanished through the black and purple swirling vortex to rendezvous with the seventh. Boruto stayed behind with Sasuke, Sarada, and Eida, wondering how the giant underground cage even got there in the first place.
"Hm?" He gently set Sarada on the ground and prepared for the influx of humanoid ten tails that would soon come through the portal.
"Why did you bring me with you when I can't fight? I thought you needed an extra set of sharingan... But that's not it, is it?"
Pink dusting his cheeks, he looked off to the side. "I have a reason... But I can't tell you right now."
Before she could press him any further, three monsters came hurtling through the portal. Boruto caught them, absorbed their chakra, and threw them into the massive holding cell. The negative emotions threatened his entire being, willing his blue eye to close. But he looked down at the injured girl in front of him and forced it to stay open.
"Hm. Your will to surppress me doubles when she's here... Maybe I should kill her."
"Boruto!" In seconds, Sasuke was behind him, the cold metal edge of a kunai against his skin.
"Heh," said Boruto, eyes open and dead set on the portal. "I'm going to be depleting chakra just as fast as I'm restoring it... Don't get too excited, Momoshiki... That being said, Sasuke-san. Stand just like that. This is going to be harder than I thought."
"Got it. Eida, where are we targeting next?"
The bewitching woman closed her eyes. "The academy... Kawaki and Daemon are heading there now."
He opened another portal. Sarada could only stare up at him with concern.
Extracting the beast's chakra, this time, he struggled more than the last. Fingers digging into the fabric of his jacket, he nearly doubled over, Sasuke's kunai staying on his neck.
Her voice encouraged him to stay conscious. The meds were just barely working, giving him the edge he needed. "I'm fine," he said through gritted teeth, eyes focused on the portal. "I'm fine... Where's the next one?"
They went through several, Boruto exhausting his chakra and replenishing it every time. Sarada eventually caught on to why Boruto needed her and decided to hold his hand to help him stay concious despite his master's wishes. When they were done and the underground cell was swarming with zombie like humans, some with their limbs broken. He absorbed the chakra of one more.
"Sasuke-san," he said from his knees, forming a rasengan. "Shouldn't we just take them out?"
"...If you have the chakra... But remember, we still need a portal to get back."
"I've got that covered," said Kawaki, flexing his karma. "But if you destroy this cage, they'll have nothing left. What happens if the rasengan doesn't take them out?"
"Fine. I'll set up a barrier... We need four people. Daemon, can you help?"
"Sorry, no can do," said Daemon from Eida's back. "I only reflect."
"...Fine... Call Sai and get a barrier team over here. Boruto, can you open another portal?"
"...One more, but I think that's my limit... Especially if I want to make a massive rasengan. Eida, where is Sai?"
"He's talking to Naruto by the hospital," Eida replied.
With a nod, Boruto flexed his palm towards the empty air and opened another portal. This time, Sasuke jumped through. Within seconds, he had returned with Sai and three black ops members.
"Where are we?"
Sasuke only shook his head. "Barrier team! Form a barrier inside this cage... Boruto?"
"I'm going." Reluctantly letting go of Sarada's hand, he picked himself up and flew down into the cage with the ten tails.
"Barrier team, now!"
The team stood on all sides of the cage and made a purple dome, trapping Boruto inside. He materialized a rasengan that took up almost the entire space and threw it, allowing some of the kickback to wash over him and tear into his skin.
"Don't worry about him. He's doing this on purpose," said Sasuke, eyeing his student as he held back his daughter. "Once he's out, we're getting both of you to a hospital."
She reached up and held the side of her father's cape. "Ok..."
When the swirling chakra had vanished, the team took down the barrier. Inside were the limp bodies of the ten tails. But Boruto's body was rising into the air.
"Sasuke!" The barrier team stood back, allowing him to escape. "What's going on?"
Purple eye opening, Borushiki flew out of the cave and stood above everyone. "I may not have chakra... But it seems like that is the state of most of you. That girl is a nuisance. I've decided to take her out."
Immediately, Sasuke threw a kunai into Boruto's shoulder.
"I told him I would, Sarada. Don't stop me... Sai! I need backup."
"...Understood." Sai took out his blade and held it at the ready, waiting for Boruto to attack. But he seemed like he was struggling against himself.
"Stay hidden, boy."
"I said don't..."
"Hm. Rasendan." Just before he threw it, Boruto twitched his hand, sending the bullet through Sasuke's shoulder instead of his head.
"Sarada... Stay behind me. Sai, take him out."
Sai gritted his teeth in a rare display of emotion. "I don't believe the hokage would be pleased with your decision..."
"I've got an idea," said Kawaki, suddenly behind Sasuke. He picked up Sarada and moved her in full view, much to Sasuke's horror.
"Here! You want to kill her, come do it."
Kawaki watched with a smirk as Boruto fought with all of his remaining strength to resurface, floating back down to the ground as he let out a groan that turned into a scream.
"Shut up boy."
"Don't you dare touch her."
"Go back inside your consciousness and stay asleep!"
"I said." Boruto pulled the kunai out of his shoulder and stabbed it through his eye. "Don't touch her."
Collapsing to the ground, Boruto passed out.
Sarada watched, her chest tightening as Boruto stabbed out his own eye. "Boruto..."
"It's fine, he'll be ok now." Sasuke sheathed his sword. "Kawaki... That was risky. I don't expect you to do something like that again."
"Well it worked, didn't it? I killed him once, I might as well save his life." He tossed Boruto over his shoulder and opened a portal. "Come on. Unlike Boruto, I'm not crazy enough to absorb the chakra from a crazed monster. I'm not going to hold this open for forever."
Sasuke picked up Sarada and followed the black ops members out of the alternate dimension, Eida and Daemon close behind. Kawaki followed out last, closing the portal behind him.
Another Not-so-Happy Birthday
ActionBoruto said he didn't care if his father came home on his birthday, especially not after he had missed it the year before. Everyone knew it was a lie, but only one person decided to do something about it. -- another short story because I'm bored :D...