BSM: They find you almost dead

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Age 19: You could pinpoint the exact moment you entered a drowsy sort of panic. It was when you woke up, but found that you couldn't open your eyes nor move any part of your body. You tried to take a deep breath, but a sharp pain in your side kept you from doing so. Fractured rip, you thought to yourself before falling back into the black abyss of unconsciousness.

You felt like you were flying. Like the pain was somewhere down there cuddling with the dirt, while you were soaring amongst the clouds.

But the moment didn't last long.

You soon felt an invisible force pushing you down towards the ground. You desperately tried to fight against it, but to no avail. When you hit the ground, the pain consumed you.

When you came to again, you forced your eyes open to see Dean furiously pumping at your chest, trying to start your now beating heart.

"Dean! She's awake," Sam told him with a scratchy voice. He had been crying. Dean's tearful eyes met yours, and he smiled so wide you thought he might pass out right there on top of you.

"Oh thank god," Dean whimpered, actually whimpered. He seemed just about ready to swoop you into a big hug, when Sam grabbed his bicep with a shake of his head.

"She's hurt badly, Dean. Let's not make it worse." Dean sat back down again, and resorted to holding your free hand that Sam wasn't already clutching tight.

"Hey," you managed in a broken voice, and the effort it took you sent you into a couching fit. You struggled to get your breath back and looked helplessly at your brothers.

"Let me through," a voice said suddenly, pure rage coloring the tone. Castiel. Dean and Sam jumped back startled, and you groaned when each pulled your hand the wrong way. They immediately let go, taking another step back to give Castiel some room.

"Hello Y/N," he greeted. You would've greeted back, had he not seem so unbelievably infuriated. With a quick touch to your forehead, you were flying high above the pain, though this time you were not close to dying, rather just healed.

"You've done this a lot of times by now," you tried to joke, but the smile you gave the angel was wavering.

"What happened?" you asked instead, pulling your knees close to your chest, picking at a hole in your jeans so you didn't have to look at the pain in your brothers eyes.

"You remember Dean and I went to pick up some dinner, right?" You nodded at Sam, gratefully leaping into his arms when he offered.

"Well, when we came back, the whole room was torn apart-"

"Bed spreads, curtains, even the carpet was in pieces," Dean interrupted, eyes distant. You grabbed his hand and squeezed tightly.

"And you were just lying here. In a pool of blood. Your heart stopped beating right as we came in the door," Sam continued, tears welling up in his eyes again.

"How did you know I was here?" you asked Castiel with a raw voice.

"It was the angels. They did this," he explained as his features darkened further.

"Why?" you croaked, curling further into Sams chest, and keeping your gaze locked with Dean's assuring one.

"I'm not quite sure. As soon as I heard I hurried down here." You nodded and reached out blindly beside you to grab Castiels hand and give it a squeeze.

"Thanks Cas. You saved my life. Again." Castiel squeezed back.

"We'll protect you from now on sis. We promise. No more leaving you alone," Dean told you with a stern expression, and for the first time, you didn't mind the protectiveness.

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