Chapter 2. Escape from Curdun Cay

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3 Weeks Later...

   Lilly finds herself alone in her cell, laying on her bed and distracting herself by sprouting a vine out of her wrist before retracting it repeatedly. Soon, the Plant Conduit is startled by an emergency alarm going off which causes her to cover her ears, albeit briefly, as she lets out a groan. "Ugh! God...Son of a-." Lilly approaches the entryway to her cell, then she hears a modest explosion which coincides with the alarm stopping. "What th-? What the hell is going on?"

   In another moment or so, Lilly hears the sound of somebody knocking on her door. Then she hears a familiar voice. "Hey, Lilly! You in there?" the voice says.

   From the sound of his voice, Lillian discerns that it's her guard ally from three weeks earlier. "Oh, it's you?" Lilly asks. "Took you long enough to get back here."

   The guard unlocks the door before opening it. "Shit's hittin the fan here, Lilly," he says. "Hope you're ready for a fight."

   "You got it, man." The plant conduit exits the cell, then she follows the guard as he jogs through the cell block. "I heard about what happened in Seattle. Does this mean we're finally getting out?"

   "Yeah, you said it! Been a long time coming. Now it's finally happenin!" Suddenly the guard gets grabbed by an enemy Dupe. "Ah shit! Lilly, H-Help!" Lilly aims her palm towards the Enemy Dupe, and she fires her basic ranged attack at them which comes out as a three round burst. This aptly named 'Seed Bullet' attack incapacitates the Enemy Dupe, causing them to drop Lilly's ally. "Hot damn!" The guard ally gets up off the ground. "You really got a handle on that power of yours, don't ya?"

   "Of course I do, I've had this power for years. Still, it's gonna take more than just the two of us to free all the conduits here."

   "Tsk. Ain't that the truth."

   Lilly and her ally keep moving. "Please tell me you brought reinforcements," the Plant Conduit says.

   "Damn right I did. I managed to bring back Fetch, Eugene...Hell, I even got Delsin to come along. They all got the Dupes pinned down in the atrium."

   "Nice work, man. With Delsin on our side, the Dupes won't stand a chance." Lilly suddenly remembers someone else. "Uh...You didn't happen to bring Hank along, did you?"

   "Ehh...I wouldn't hold my breath on that guy. He apparently went off the grid last week. Never gonna see that dumb hick again."

   Lilly scoffs. "If you say so. Never really trusted that guy anyway."

   The ally stops running. "Wait so...if you don't trust Hank...why ask about him?"

   " be perfectly blunt...I wanted to ram my foot up his ass for being the insensitive prick I know he is."

   The guard ally chuckles a bit. "Guess that's fair."

   As Lilly and her guard ally continue running about the prison, they manage to free multiple different conduits, who then wind up freeing other conduits themselves. While doing this, Lilly has to use her 'Seed Bullet' attack as well as her 'Whip Vine' melee attack to bring down D.U.P. Guards. To get past certain doors around the prison, Lilly has to use the vine in her wrist like a grappling hook to force them open. She also uses that same 'Hook Vine' ability to grab enemies and pull them toward her. The ally guard on the other hand only has his gun to fight with since he doesn't have any powers of his own.

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