Chapter 4. A Path Forward

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   As the two conduits start moving again, Lilly says "Come on. Let's go." On the way over to their destination, The plant conduit contacts Zeke. "Hey, Zeke. You there? Got Codie here with me. Heading your way now."

   "Glad to hear it! Though you might wanna make it quick! Those conduits we let out...they didn't feel like sticking around!"

   "Tsk...Ungrateful bastards," the electrical conduit Codie says.

   Suddenly a female voice comes up via the comm channel. "After the time I spent in this place, can't say I blame em. Some of these people haven't seen the sun in years. Quite literally."

   "That you, Abby?" Vaga asks.

   Fetch then replies in a facetious tone. "Hey, Little Ivy. Heard you finally decided to step up for once!"

   "Excuse me? I just freed a bunch of our people!" The plant conduit replies with clear irritation in her voice.

   Z then lets out a groan. "Can't we all just get along?"

   Just then a young male voice pops up in the comm channel. "Uh...guys?"

   "Eugene?" Codie inquires sounding surprised.

   "Still have Dupes to deal with," the nerdy Eugene points out. "Need to stay focused on the fighting here." The calls cuts off.

   Genuinely impressed, Codie comments "Eugene getting his hands dirty...Gotta love it."

   "On that we can agree," Lilly says.

   During as well as after the call, Lillian and Codie use their powers to get past certain doors. Where the electric conduit uses his 'Electric Bolts' to overload a lock mechanism on one set of double doors, the plant conduit uses her 'Vine Hook' ability to break through a completely different set. They don't find that many dupe troopers in their path, and what few they do come across are easily fended off. Soon the two conduits come across an area just above the Atrium;  the perfect place to execute a ground pounding maneuver. Here, Codie says "Ladies first?" Lilly smiles and nods before doing what she calls a 'Solar Drop' sending three D.U.P. operatives falling to the ground.

   Reacting to what Lilly just did, Zeke immediately says "Damn. That's gonna leave a mark."

   Codie drops in after Lilly and says "Hey, Z. You got us a ride outta here?"

   "Sure did, Triple-A," Zeke says. "I also went ahead and prepped a separate space for ya. Don't want you blowing up the chopper just by sittin in there."

   "You guys don't mess around, huh?" the plant conduit says.

   "Nope," the regular human replies.

   After the whole crew takes out all hostiles, the conduits group together along with Zeke before Delsin Rowe smoke dashes in front of Codie and happily introduces himself. "Codie...glad to have you with us." Delsin says. "I mean that, big guy. Appreciate it. My name is Delsin Rowe and in case you haven't heard of me, I'm the one who took down Augustine."

   "You have my respect for that," Codie says with a smile as he reaches his hand out to shake Delsin's.

   Oddly, Delsin does not shake Codie's hand. Instead he looks over at Lilly. "As for you...'Lilly' was it?" As Codie shrugs over the fact that Del left him hanging, Delsin Rowe himself continues talking. "You've been a big help today. Only heard good things from Zeke. Fetch...not so much." Abby crosses her arms and glares at Lilly. In response, Lillian rolls her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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