Chapter 3. The First Decision

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   As Vaga chases after Codie, she shoots the vine in her wrist at various walls around the facility so she can pull herself towards them like a grapnel. This 'Tether Vine' ability allows the Plant Conduit to navigate and move around much more quickly as she closes in on her friend, MacGrath. "Codie, wait!" Lillian exclaims.

   "I've been waiting for too long, flower girl!" the Electrical Conduit says. "I'm ending this here and now!"

   In another moment, Lillian appeals to the lad again. "Dude, stop and think for a second!"

   Again the lad dismisses her words. "I've spent enough time thinking, Lilly! It's time for action!"

   As the plant conduit continues giving chase, Vaga tells the boy "Codie, don't do this!"

   "I have to do this..." Codie replies. "...For every single conduit that the Dupes locked up in this place!"

   By the time Lilly catches up to him, MacGrath has already managed to locate and 'Arc Restrain' his target. This was an old man of Asian background wearing a lab coat with all white hair on his head. "Dr. Lee?" Lilly asks. Codie MacGrath now had Lee pinned against the ground helplessly. "What the hell are you doing, Codie?"

   "Weeding out the snakes," the boy tells her. "Gotta make sure that this little serpent right here doesn't hurt anyone else."

   Lillian gets directly in front of the lad as he prepares to strike down the old man. "Codie, listen to me! I understand this is personal for you, but-!"

   The lad interjects. "No, you don't!"

   "Lee was just following orders!" Lilly insists.

   "You think I'm the only person that this man has hurt?" Codie asks as he steps away from the doc. "Dr. Lee is more dangerous than you think, flower girl. He's been sitting on information that could put every single one of us at risk."

   The girl is confused. "What the hell are you talking about?"

   "For the past Seven Years, this old timer has been keeping Intel on all the deviants chained up in here. He knows everything about us, Lilly. Psych profiles, combat training stats, what kinda powers we have, our strengths, our weaknesses...He kept all of that information hidden and stored..." Codie takes a USB Thumb Drive out of his pocket. "...all in a single USB Drive."

   Lilly is completely thrown off by this. "B-but that's-. How could you know all this?"

   "Trust me, I know." The lad puts the drive away in his pocket.

   Codie's Narrative: "When I was trapped in my cell, I overheard conversations between Lee and Augustine. They thought I couldn't hear them since my powers were drained, but I heard more than enough to understand. This guy kept going on about his employers and how they wanted constant briefings on what's been going on here at the prison. He's been feeding them the same information stored on this drive...up until now that is."

   "Turned out that Dr. Lee was working for the same people that my brother fought against back in Empire City...The First Sons. Hell, even I thought it was hard to believe when I first heard about it, but somehow these guys not only managed to survive the Empire Event. They took full advantage of the situation to suit their own purposes. Augustine? Well...she was just another cog in the machine."

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