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This is my little present for my readers, who have shown me so much love over the past year. Each and every one of you has been such a remarkable and unique gift as we've traveled this writing journey together. This group of stories is a little departure from my typical angsty-romance style because we all deserve a little fluffy romance once in a while 💕 This is also a stand-alone group of stories not related to my regular series in any way 🙂

One of my favorite things about my readers is we are this diverse little community that is quite literally from all around the entire world. I love that so much! Now, I know that we don't all celebrate the same holidays, or even any holidays in some cases, but I also know that we have our favorite members in common to unite us. So, here I present you with seven short stories centered around the holidays I'm familiar with (but feel free to imagine it is a special occasion that suits your imagination - or a random Tuesday, perhaps 😂) as my holiday gift to you!

No matter what you celebrate, or where you are in the world, I just wanted to provide a little dash of romance to help get us through our days.

With much appreciation and the warmest of wishes,

Nora 💜

P.S.  As I always do, I've made a little playlist to go with this book of stories. You can find it on my Spotify (Spotify user: Nora_Joy_author) by following the clickable link I have added to my Wattpad profile, or you can copy and paste the following link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1HqkDwI6KW5nROejjARXqg?si=1328438285524b21


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BTS One-Shots: Holiday Edition | BTS ✅Where stories live. Discover now