Silent Night

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I stare out the window looking at the snow falling at a rapid rate, the likes I've never seen before, and I'm starting to wonder if I should close my shop early. We were only supposed to have a few inches of snowfall today, but something seems to have shifted in the atmosphere, and it's starting to look dangerous outside as the snow quickly accumulates.

I don't think anyone else will be coming in today. Not many people shop on New Year's Eve anyway.

The chiming of the tiny bell affixed above my shop's door shakes me out of my thoughts as a gentleman enters. He breathes out a sigh as he begins trying to shake a thin layer of snow from his long olive-colored coat.

"Oh my goodness, Sir! Are you okay?" I call out, amazed someone other than myself made the mistake of leaving the house today.

"I'm better now; my car just slid off the road and is now stuck in a snowbank -I can't get it to move!" he calls out.

"Oh, no," I say gently as I approach him. "Are you hurt?"

"Just my pride," he replies playfully as he pulls off his hat and mask, making eye contact with me.

I'm taken aback by the ethereal being before me. His cheerful dark eyes seem kind even though he looks a little shaken. They are a dark and lovely contrast against his smooth skin, and I have to keep myself from staring. He blushes for a moment and then quickly tries to smooth down his frazzled dark locks.

"Is there something I can try and do to help you? Call someone for you?" I ask with a smile, immediately trying to find some way to help the handsome man before me.

"Oh, I have my phone. They just shut down the entire city with an emergency ban. Nobody can be on the roads unless they are authorized emergency personnel! The snow has made it too dangerous," he says, showing me a notification on his phone. "I called my people to see if I could get my vehicle towed, but they told me I needed to find a safe haven until the ban is over, and I saw the lights on in your store," he explains. 

His eyes hold mine for a bit as if they are searching for something, and I can't help but get lost in the dark hues while I wonder what he is looking for,  instantly wishing that I hold the answers he seeks. After a moment, he breaks eye contact, seemingly satisfied.

"Your people?" I ask, tilting my head to the side as I try to understand what he means.

"Umm..I mean my sister...I like to call her for advice..." he says slowly, as if unsure of the answer himself.

"Oh! Well, you are more than welcome to stay safe here. Nobody should be out in this weather!" I offer. "In fact, I was just going to close the shop," I say as I watch his eyes look around my store.

"You are so kind. Please, go ahead and continue your routine. I don't mean to mess up your evening!"

"Don't worry; we're going to be okay!" I tell him, and our eyes settle on each other for a moment.

"You know what? I believe you," he smiles, and it seems to have a deeper meaning than I'm comprehending.

The skin on my arms prickles, and a shiver drives up my spine as I listen to the confidence in his tone. I do my best to shake off the feeling as I lock the shop door.

"Wow, this store is really cute. The clothing is cool; I haven't seen designs like this before," he says appreciatively as he begins walking around, taking in the contents of my little shop.

On any other day of the year, I may have been suspicious of a lone man claiming to be in need, but today is the most peculiar day, and something about this man exudes charm and honesty.

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