Auld Lang Syne

369 31 23

Nestled within a sea of short-walled cubicles, I've been joyfully working for hours on a project I'm thrilled to have been assigned. With my earbuds in, I shut out the rest of the world while happily listening to music, engrossed in my work. Before I know it, the entire morning has slipped away, it's amazing how fast the time flies when you're passionate about your work, I don't think anyone loves their job as much as I do! As the afternoon slump hits, I realize just how sore and stiff my neck and limbs have become from sitting at my desk all day.

Finally, I sit back in my chair a bit and close my eyes as I stretch my neck rolling it slowly from one side to the other, feeling the tension trying to release. When I open my eyes, I notice him immediately. My eyes focus on the object of my desire, the most gorgeous man I've ever seen. This isn't the first time I've noticed him, though, I've been quietly observing him for over three years.

He is standing at his cubical across the room, which is situated near the breakroom entrance. I watch as he begins the dance I've seen him execute so many times over the years. He raises his arms into the air, giving his limbs a much-needed stretch, his long fingers reaching toward the sky, and I know this is a sign he is about to go refill his coffee cup.

Without thinking, my body goes into action, and I grab my empty mug off my desk and head toward the breakroom as well. Just like I knew he would be, I find him standing with his back to me in a smart pair of fitted gray trousers and a white button-down shirt he has rolled up to his elbows while pouring a cup of freshly brewed coffee. My eyes drag across his svelt frame as the earthy scent of coffee fills my nostrils, and I notice how he's let his hair grow out quite a bit as it tickles the nape of his neck. He runs his fingers through his dark locks, and I have to keep myself from sighing; every time I think this man can't become any more handsome, he seems to prove me wrong.

Silently I walk to the hot water dispenser and fill my cup, and then choose a tea bag, wondering if today is the day I will say hello to him, but alas, we've already gone three years with barely a nod, I know I won't say anything. Our company is so large, with so many floors full of employees and various departments, it's not unusual not to know that many people unless our departments end up collaborating on a project together. Over the years, I've only ever been in a handful of group meetings where he was an attendee as well.  In general, we just go about our business, working in silos with our own teams, even if we are all working toward a common goal.

Another man walks in and starts to chat with him, "Hey, Yoongi, did you catch the basketball game last night?"

"Yes! That's why I'm exhausted today -quadruple don't see that often! It was amazing; I had to stay up and see how it ended!" my crush says enthusiastically, and I melt like I always do when I get to hear the deep, languid tones of his voice. More than once, I have daydreamed about his alluring tone and imagined him reading a book to me for hours on end.

"You are a trooper! I finally went to bed; I couldn't stay up any longer. I was afraid I might wake up my wife with all the cheering I was trying to stifle," the other man ruminates.

"Ahh, well, I guess that is the benefit of me being single," my crush shares, and it makes my heart jump.

Perhaps it has been to protect my own heart, but I've always assumed Yoongi has a partner. He is so heartstoppingly handsome and seems so articulate, I really can't imagine how he wouldn't be tied to someone at this stage of the game since he's such a catch.

I realize I can't keep meandering about pretending to be busy with my tea -nobody takes this long to put a teabag in a cup of hot water, so with a giddy heart, I walk back to my desk, a rush of serotonin coursing through me.

At the end of the day, I gather my things; I usually take the stairs and hurriedly hustle down four flights to head to the parking garage, but today my bag feels particularly heavy, and I decide to take my chances on our rickety old elevator that likes to break down every few weeks.

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