Enter the Exes

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"I just wanted to say, once again, that last Sunday was so much fun, we are having another get-together at the lake this weekend, why don't you girls come? The next time we go there will be after the 4th of July Parade, which is a couple of weeks away. We want to get the most out of the Lake, while we can. So, are you down? Instead of the paddle boards, our friend Justin has a boat, and we are all going out on it. We can use the tubes to ride on the back. It will be a lot of fun!" Killian tempted Scarlett with a winning grin.

Chuckling at his attempt to sell her on the lake, Scarlett shook her head playfully at him. They had been video chatting for a little while now, and it was happening more and more frequently. They had been doing it almost every night, if they weren't talking face to face they were texting as much as possible. Scarlett felt herself falling deeper, he was everything she wanted in a man, not that he was perfect because he wasn't. It was in the imperfectness that she realized that she could see herself growing old with him. But she was getting ahead of herself, they were so not there yet.

"Wow, a boat sounds like so much fun! You can count me in, I'll check with Jocelyn but I'm sure she will want to go too. Thanks for the invite, I can't wait to be there. We better wrap this up, it's getting late and we better go, we both have to work tomorrow. Sweet dreams, baby." Scarlett replied with a warm smile, blowing a kiss at the end.

"Can't wait to see you in person, love! I don't even feel tired when I'm talking with you. We'll have a lot of fun, I promise you. Catch you later, love!" Killian replied charmingly, with a wink, hanging up with a wave goodbye.

Plopping back on her bed with a sigh of happiness, Scarlett, couldn't wait for the weekend. That night she dreamed of happy things, she thought she saw a house with a wrap-around porch and three children. She was watching her children playing on the front lawn, their laughter ringing in her ears, Scarlett felt strong arms wrap around her and a kiss pressed to her forehead. When she turned to see who she hoped it would be, that is when she woke up.

The rest of the week seemed to fly by, and before she realized it the weekend was here. The girls were a fury of activity to get everything ready and were soon on the hour drive down to the lake house.

"Seems like deja vu, except this time we know exactly who is waiting for us. I swear this summer is at the top of the tier list, literally on its way to number one. Still, to be determined, I just have a feeling something bad could happen. It feels like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, I mean doesn't something bad have to happen? No relationship is this smooth sailing." Jocelyn worried her lip as she rung her hands nervously.

"Well, if something bad does happen, we will deal with it. No sense in worrying about something that hasn't even happened yet. That will be one sure way to have something happen, those things can build up in your mind and you can cause other troubles. Relationships are bound to have troubled times, but you have to communicate with each other and be willing to have those tough conversations to work it out. Every good relationship has strife, it's those who choose to love during the difficult times that make the long journey of marriage work. Of course, it's easier said than done." Scarlett sagely stated as she contemplated her own words.

"You always know just what to say, and as usual you are right. Alright, for now, let's not worry about what could go wrong, and let's focus on the upcoming fun. I mean, come on, how often do we get to go onto a boat and have some fun?!" Jocelyn agreed, shaking her head out of those thoughts, she quickly became animated once more when talking about the boat.

"That's the spirit! Now, be prepared for the boys to have fun, and possibly have us fly off the tube when boating. I can't say I'm not looking forward to it, flying off the tube sounds fun!" Scarlett smirked with pleasure, thinking about what was to come.

It Began in SummerWhere stories live. Discover now