Chapter 2 - School

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7 October 2021, Thursday

Cassandra entered the Principia High School glass doors as she thought about what homework was due that day. Her mind was occupied as she paced slowly across the corridor. She had to start focusing on her studies as it was her senior year. She wanted to at least get good results on her next exam, which was the second last exam of the year. She did not know what she was going to do after she graduated high school but she was sure she would find out eventually. She just wanted to secure her grades so she could afford a future where she can work peacefully. Her mind wandered and wandered as she kept a steady pace.

It was four years after the incident. It was on her mind at all times even if it was a long time ago. It may seem small to the normal mind but it was truly significant to Cassandra. Cassandra's face always twisted into a revengeful smile when she thought about it. That was why no one had dared to talk to her. She emitted a creepy, unapproachable aura sometimes but most of the time it was just her normal face looking really mean. Many people feared her, excluding Lily and her posse.

She then remembered that she had art after recess. She had art every Monday and Thursday. Hence, she hated Mondays and Thursdays. Cassandra hated art although she was good at it. Good was the understatement of the year. She was absolutely amazing at art. She hated it mostly because her teacher was useless. Her teacher just gave her class work to do and just slept or read a book the whole time.

Cassandra actually liked doing art. She thought she had this concentrating gaze whenever she sketches or draws. She thought about pursuing her dream as a graphic designer but never did anything about it as she knew she would never have enough money to get into a good college.

Clutching the Swiss army knife close to her chest, she slowly walked to her locker and opened it, deep in thought. She stared at the floor as she habitually rotated the number lock for her password. BAM!

"Oh surprise surprise, I got pranked again." Cassandra muttered sarcastically as she rolled her eyes. She always had to go through this once a week, sometimes twice.

She was covered head to toe in neon green paint, mostly her head since the bomb was placed at the top of her locker. She rolled her eyes and opened her, extremely old, backpack to make sure nothing in there got contaminated. She had a lot of homework in her bag that day. Other students in the hallway started sniggering, whispering to each other. They laughed as they pointed at Cassandra. Cassandra just sighed and looked down at the floor, only to find a huge puddle of green paint. What was surprising to Cassandra was that there was very little paint splattered in the locker. What was even more surprising was the boy who stood before her, handing her a handkerchief.

"You okay?" He said, a low timbre to his voice. He smiled shyly. He was slightly taller than Cassandra but did not look like an athletic type yet was handsome. Cassandra had never seen him before, those sincere emerald eyes filled with concern, probably because he was in none of her classes the last few years. Oh, but he was in one of her science classes one year. She could not place her finger on it. She could not remember his name but he definitely remembered those emerald eyes that sparkled in the hallway lights.

Cassandra took the handkerchief with a small smile as she mumbled thanks, still shocked as to what had happened. The students in the hallway noticed and stopped laughing and pointing. The hallway was in a pin-drop silence. They all stared after the boy and his gang as they walked away.

Cassandra looked down at the handkerchief in her hands. She smiled to herself. It was way too small to soak up all the green paint on her but she appreciated the thought. It was the first time someone offered to help when she got pranked. All the students started whispering as Cassandra stood there looking at the handkerchief, smiling genuinely. Who was he? Who was the one who was brave enough to help her willingly?

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