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Percy Jackson vs Hercules
Hercules: Yeah, I'm a demigod, child of The Big Three
Percy: oh yeah? Me too
Hercules: Well, when I was a baby I strangles 2 snakes with my bare arms.
Percy: Ah, I know what you mean. My mum freaked out when I did that.
Hercules: I fought the Nemen lion
Percy: No way! same. I was what, 14..
Hercules: I've fought a hydra
Percy: Dude, same. Although I wouldn't have been able to kill it without Clarisse.
Hercules: I hunted down Artemis' sacred deer.
Percy: oh, my friend did that, chasing deer isn't really my thing though.'
Hercules: oh, well...ahh..I fought this massive boar once.
Percy: I think I fought it's girlfriend. It was a couple of days before I fought Kronos
Hercules: *Sweats nervously*This one time, I had to clean this stable that hadn't been cleaned for thousands of years.
Percy: Riiiiiiight, I heard nymph helped you with that? I used my own powers*raises eye brow*
Hercules: I —
Percy: Dude, I could go all day
Hercules: *flustered* I've fought Amazons -
Percy: Been there

Random Fandom Stuff
FanfictionA book filled with random stuff to do with many fandoms like THG, Percy Jackson, TMR, TFIOS......Some might be jokes or some might be overflowing with feels but overall it's a book to do with random fandom stuff hence the title