Not Long Enough

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"Hey there, long time, no see." Xandra said with a smirk on her face. "Obviously not long enough." Theo said loudly. "I'll leave you two to talk. Um, she brought some stuff over," Hobie said. "Boris, let's leave them be for a moment. Yeah?" Boris walked into the bedroom while Hobie walked to the shop. Boris sat by the door to see if he could hear anything. Theo went and sat at the table across from Xandra. "What are you doing here?" Theo said in a stern voice. "You know, just checking up on ya. You're lucky I handled CPS for you. Brought some of your stuff over. And don't think I don't know about the vicodin, you ungrateful little shit." She said, pointing at him. "I don't know what you're talking about." Theo said. "Whatever. I'm your legal guardian now, so I'm going to have to drag all my shit and move here. On the other side of the city, of course. And you're going to have a nice little settlement of a whole $20 when you turn 18. Lucky you." She said in a sarcastic voice. "And don't think your little friend is out of the woods either. His dad came looking for him a few weeks ago. Could hardly understand him. He didn't care much. He just wanted to make sure he didn't have to file a missing persons report. I have some of his things, too." Theo nodded a little bit. "He wants to call him. He got a new landline. Here's the number." She slid a small paper across the table. He picked up the paper to see that it was in Russian. "Well, see you later asshole." She said, standing up and walking towards the door. Before she stopped and said. "Oh, by the way, if you do more acid like that, you're going to fry your brain, so take it easy on the drugs and alcohol." She walled out the door, and he could her her yell. "SHIT! IT'S RAINING!?" He laughed a little, then walked towards the door, and handed her the umbrella they got at the stand. "Thanks." He nodded and went back inside.

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