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Emiyah POVSeptember 21 2021

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Emiyah POV
September 21 2021


"Mami wake up" I hear Dd say. He has been bugging me to wake up for the past hour.

"Noo David let me sleep" I say turning over to the other side. I then feel him just hugging me. He's definitely the clingy type and I like that. He then pulls my body on top of him so I'm straddling him. So I'm just sleeping on top of him. He then starts kissing all on my face and neck. He's not leaving me alone anytime soon so I wake up.

"Heyy maa" Dd says smiling at me.

"Hii" I say hugging him. I get up and go to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and wash my face. I then go back to the room and get back on top of Dd. I'm just laying on him scrolling on my phone.

"Let's go eat ma. Eva and Notti already downstairs with my moms. I gotta introduce you to her" he says making me get up. I put on some of his sweats because I didn't want to meet his mom in booty shorts. We then go downstairs and in the kitchen where I see a pretty lady.

"Buenos días hijo" (goodmorning son) his mother says as we walk in the kitchen. Me and Edot's mother is half Dominican so we grew up speaking the language. He then whispers something in her ear and she looks at me and smile.

"Hi Im Emiyah" I say.

"Hii it's good to meet you. Sit down and get something to eat" she says. She's nice. We sit down and eat. She cooked us pancakes and bacon and eggs. After breakfast we just chilled. There's nothing we can do until the weekends so we just was in the house.

September 24 2022

A lot has happened in the past 3 days. On September 2nd Dd asked me to be his girlfriend while we were in the backyard. I was shocked he asked so soon but Im still happy I don't have to question what's going on between us. The next day Notti and Eva ended up arguing. Notti got mad bc she didn't trust him which she has every right too. But they got right back cool. Eva had to leave this morning so it was only me, Dd, and Notti. It's Sunday so I have to go back home tonight.

We go up to me and Edot crib and we go in my room. Edot not home. He somewhere.

We get in my room and we both lay down and just talk in eachothers arms. I'm really falling for this boy. We can just have conversations about anything. It's never boring. After a hour I realize it's a school night and I have to get ready for school.

"Dd I have to take a shower. Go outside with everyone else so you won't get bored" I say causing him to whine.

"Noo I wanna talk to you some more" he says holding me.

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