Laundry day for Wally

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A/N: Ok, so in school I've been reading and writing plays lately for literature class and I really got to get the hang of it, so please comment on how my writing comes out, any tips or critics will be appreciated so much!! I'm actually really excited about writing now... (First story! Yay! Here goes nothing...) Luv ya ♥

(the other stories will be written normally)



(Wally is walking around the house looking for Artemis)

Wally. Babe? Arty? Hello? Artemis, where are you?! My little spitfire! Babe!!

(Artemis walks in)

Artemis. I am ignoring you.

Wally. Why? I said I'm sorry about a thousand times already!

Artemis. Yes, I know you did. I am still ignoring you though.

Wally. Would you at least look at me?

Artemis. I did. I noticed your shirt is very dirty, stained with spaghetti sauce and you're wearing the same boxers as yesterday.

Wally. Yes! This is why I need you!

(Artemis sits on the couch folding her recently washed clothes)

Artemis. I needed you to pay the bills, but you didn't, instead, you bought yourself 20 cheeseburgers. Now we don't have electricity.

Wally. I was very hungry! And yeah, I guess the "no electricity" thing explains why the washing machine doesn't work.

(Artemis gets up and walks towards their bedroom)

(Wally follows)

Artemis. Yes Wally, not having electricity explains exactly why the washing machine doesn't work. It is also why I have to wash my clothes by hand... In the bathroom!

Wally. But, how come you don't wash mine?

Artemis. Because you spent the money on cheeseburgers and didn't even care to save one for me!

Wally. So, wait, are you not washing my clothes because I didn't save you a cheeseburger? You're mad about a cheeseburger?! Is a simple little cheeseburger the big deal here?

Artemis. Clearly, yes, the wasted money and the absent cheeseburger is the problem.

(Wally suits up in his Kid Flash uniform and runs to a fast food restaurant)

Wally. Can I have 20 cheeseburgers, please?

Cashier. Would you like anything else?

Wally. Yes, a happy girlfriend.

Cashier. I bet you would.

(Wally sits on a table and waits for his order to be ready)

Cashier. Number 52, your order is ready.

Wally. Thanks!

(Wally runs back to their house and enters the kitchen)

Wally. Babe, I'm back! Do you want to know what I brought?

(Artemis walks in)

Artemis. I don't know, maybe.

Wally. Well, I'll tell you anyways! I brought 20 cheeseburgers; would you, Artemis, my little spitfire, like a cheeseburger?

Artemis. Yes, Wally, I, Artemis, would like one.

Wally. So, can I ask you to do my laundry too?

Artemis. Yes Wally, I'll too do your laundry... once you pay the electricity bill!

Wally. Oh, come on! Babe!

(Artemis leaves the kitchen eating the cheeseburger)



A/N: ok, so I know it came out a little cheesy (see what I did there?) but I only needed to practice my writing and I actually got this random idea while I was washing dishes so, comment and vote and stuff. :)

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