Chapter 2|Clone And The Jedi

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The team then insert a small nanobots that goes to the crack of the doors and find a place for them to form a little camera.

Human Soldier: Sir we in!

Angron: Let me sees it.

The farsight soldier give a tablet to his leader, Angron grab the tablet and sees unique sight there was 10 droid around them was so many dead body and also standing beside them was 1 individual with rather unique weaponry and 5 was kneeling in front of them the 3 wear such a poorly made armor and the other 2 seems like an importance individuals.

The farsight soldier give a tablet to his leader, Angron grab the tablet and sees unique sight there was 10 droid around them was so many dead body and also standing beside them was 1 individual with rather unique weaponry and 5 was kneeling in fr...

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They can see them talking but the nanobots were unable to pick up the voice since they were kinda far away from the nanobots, But he definitely sees them were about to be execute

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They can see them talking but the nanobots were unable to pick up the voice since they were kinda far away from the nanobots, But he definitely sees them were about to be execute.

So Angron cannot let that happens so he order his mean while giving back the tablet back, To breach the door to open it and possibly rescue the one who's kneeling

Squat Soldier: Breacher up in 3....2......1 Fire in the hole.

The door was blown open while the people inside the bridge were surprised by this sudden explosion the farsight soldier start to shoot the droid destroying 2 in a process.


The droid seems to fire back at the smokey door that was blown out, The farsight soldier stop their fire while the droid still firing at the door.

And they soon stop their fired while the smoked disappeared slowly revealing 5 Man standing in the doorway menacingly looking at the droid, This of course make the man and the 5 kneeling taken back slightly.

??: Who are you people who dare to confront us!!

Angron and his elite was still silent but suddenly without an warning they rush at the droid with an unbelievable speed while unsheathing their what it look's like and energy sword.

The droid start to shoot at the 5 enemy but seemingly missed or just deflect by the armor, Well most of it was missed. So in retaliation the droid  man activated his weapon and his arm start to split and showing more weapons being activated.

The droid and the farsight clash while the farsight elite was really winnings the fight the general of the droid can be seems having trouble with angron fighting him.

Angron: You pull out more arm just get them chops or what? (Slice one of the arm holding the laser sword)


Angron deflect another attack and proceeds to cut one arm yet again and was being follow by a kick to the stomach to the general droid and was sent flying to one of the destroyed railing.

This give time for angron to check up on the hostage and the farsight soldier to pour in the room and clearing it, Angron kneels in front of the hostage and see them was handcuffs by an unknown technology.

Angron: You guys okay?

Alien dude: Yeah me and my apprentice cannot thank you people enough.

Angron: Eh that's just what we do (Grab the energy sword)

Angron proceed to cut the handcuffs one by one to be slice open by angron, He then sheath his sword and look at the hostage was standing up alongside the troops.

Angron: So who are you guys?

Kao cen: My name is kao cen a Jedi knight and this is my apprentice satele shan, We are from The Grand Republic.

Satele: Greeting thank you again.

Angron: Republic? Never heard of that thing before.

Satele: That seems to be odd since the republic is spanning across 100 world.

Angron: Well to bad for me i don't know what that is.

Kao: Say....Who are you guys?

Angron: I'll keep that a secret my friend...for now.

Satele was about to say something but he was hold back by his master and sees kao shaking his head and indicating to respect their choice and decisions.

Kao: I see....wel-

Satele: Wait! What about general grievous?

Angron: Grievous? Who's that? Friend of your?

Kao: General grievous is the one who you kick down the railing.

Angron: I see (Turn to his elite) Check the perimeter search this grievous guy.

Angron walk to the railing which he kick this so called grievous and only to find grievous to be nowhere to be seen which somehow grow angron to be frustrated.

Angron: Goddam it. Coms check on team 2 lock all possible escape route and the drop pods.

Tau Soldier: Aye aye sir!.

Kao: Be at peace friend we will find general grievous

Angron: Yeah well can you tell me who's this general grievous guy is?

Kao cen and satele shan look at each other and nod to one another kao cen begin to tell a story about this general grievous and shared about he CIS And trade federation and something about the republic and Jedi order.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2022 ⏰

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