chapter two

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V e n i c e

"I can't believe it, you failed again?!" my Dad yelled at me angry and let his hand pop on our big dining table. So loud that even Pa and our bodyguards twitched together even though they had known Dad's anger issues for more than two decades.

"Sorry, Dad," I apologized more or less seriously, whereupon I received a death stare from him. Meanwhile, Pa put his hand on his husband's arm, but Dad was unfortunately not impressed by this time. Angry, he shook it off and got up from his chair with a creaking sound.

"I am warning you, Venice Theerapanyakul. Don't you dare not pass the test again, you know for sure that Kinn's son passed the first time."
I hated it when he started comparing me to my cousin. Phoenix was always better than me and Dad told me as long as I could remember.

"Vegas, stop it," Pa warned him and gave him a haunting look. I knew he was the only one who could reassure Dad when he had one of his grids again. Or the only one who dared to try at all. Snorting, Dad dropped back on the chair, but he continued to fix me with his gaze all the time. Provocatively, I returned his staring and crossed my arms in front of my chest like a defiant child.

"If you don't pass next time, then consequences will follow," he warned me with a cutting voice and even if I didn't let it be noticed, I knew what my father was able to do if he wanted. Far too often I had noticed how he had once again punished one of our bodyguards after a mission had not gone as he wanted. I knew they were afraid of him.

"Don't we prefer to eat now? Otherwise our meal will still be cold," Pa quietly changed the topic with the warm smile that has accompanied me since childhood. Both Dad and I still turned furiously to the plates. While Pa was the only one who ate spicy curry with rice, Dad and I preferred Western dishes such as pasta or steak. I really hated that we were both as similar, both internally and externally.

"Do you have any plans tonight, Venice?" Pa asked me normally while I poked around in my potatoes. I had lost all my appetite.
"He didn't have because he's under house arrest," Dad replied before I could even think about it. Frustrated, I slammed my cutlery on the table and got up enthusiastically.

"Sit down immediately," Dad then ordered me and looked at me as if he would throw his plate in my face every moment if I didn't do exactly what he asked me to do.

"Venice, please listen to your father," Pa really pleaded me and I almost escaped a laugh. Everyone knew Dad wasn't really my father. He was my half-brother and I was our father's bastard. He didn't let me have the opportunity to say that he didn't really want to keep me at all, but that the only reason why I was allowed to live here was my Pa.

"Please, Sweetheart," Pa added and I exchanged a look with him. His gentle smile made me do exactly what he asked me to do every time.
"I promise that I will try even harder next time," I tried to at least bring Dad down a little compromise. At least I wanted to meet my friends from school tonight.

"Then let him out tonight, Vegas."
Pa smiled contentedly and Dad turned his head to the side in his direction in amazement. It took less than ten seconds for Pa's loving look at Dad to jump over. He was the only one who knew exactly how to deal with Dad. I had no idea how they got together, except that they would certainly never break up.

"Young man, do you promise me that next time you will pass the test with outstanding performance?" Dad then addressed his word to me again, whereupon my eyes narrowed again.
"Dad..." I started loudly, but was harshly interrupted by his hand popping on the table.
"Do you promise it?!" he repeated restlessly again and something about his tone told me that it was the last time he would ask me that.

"Yes, I promise."
I didn't hate anything as much as before giving in and bending my parents. While I was still foaming with anger, Dad and Pa seemed to have now at least calmed down to some extent, because both ate our dinner. This was probably also the reason why Panther, one of our bodyguards, now dared to speak carefully. Slowly he stepped out of the line of bodyguards that were at the edge of our dining room.

"Khun Vegas?" he then addressed, a little uncertainly, my father, who looked up angry from his plate.
"What is it?"
His voice cut the air quickly and Panther seemed to look as if he had already regretted his decision to speak. But now there was no turning back.

"Do you remember when I asked you a few weeks ago if I could possibly bring my son here?"
Nothing about Dad's expression seemed to allow conclusions to be drawn about this memory, which was why Panther now continued cautiously.

"Well, his mother ... died unexpectedly quickly yesterday. That's why I wanted to ask again ...," he said rebubbly and Dad seemed to like how unsettled this adult man was towards him. There wasn't anyone who was not afraid of him.
"You want me to feed your son through in the future?" he questioned dangerously calmly and I knew in which direction the whole thing would go.

"I am asking you to bring him here from the island in the South, Sir. He will make himself useful, I promise."
It just looked like Dad was starting to scream around again when Pa thoughtfully put his right hand on his thigh.

"Khun Vegas, he really doesn't have anyone anymore, only an old grandmother who can no longer take care of him alone," Panther continued explaining and bowed humbly down.
"Vegas, Panther has been employed here for so long. We should really allow him to bring his son here, a child should stay by their parents."

I didn't miss the sarcastic tone in Pa's voice, but Dad seemed to skillfully ignore it.
"For God's sake, bring him here. But if he causes trouble, you will also get rid of your job ," my father reluctantly agreed and put his hand, then on that of Pa.
"Thank you, Sir."

With an inclined head, Panther now stepped away from our dining table while I looked at him with a smile. Somehow, the idea was more than difficult for me that Dad's bodyguards could actually have children. But on the other hand, everyone was shocked when I told them that Vegas Theerapanyakul was my father, he seemed unsuitable for others to raise a son.

And unfortunately, they were not wrong about it.

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