chapter three

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I wanted to scream, cry, collapse and then jump off the next best cliff on the coast. Under no circumstances did I want to do what my grandmother had planned for me.


"Ma would never agree with that," I yelled at her and talked to myself that I had to do that, after all, my grandma was hard of hearing.

"It was her idea," she calmly held against it and carefully put her wrinkled hand on my thigh.
It had only been three days since Ma died. And they wanted to pull me out of my environment.
"But I don't know him!"

I only knew the fear I felt every time he looked at us once a year. He was the complete opposite of my mother. Hard, cold and merciless. Ma had always said that it was due to his work as a Bodyguard. She had defended him several times recently. And now I understood why.

"Leo, please understand ..." my grandma began gently and her hand carefully began to pat my shoulder. With tears in my eyes, I looked at her. Only now I did notice how old she had actually become. Her gray stranded hair was necessarily tied backwards and deep wrinkles stretched over her forehead, cheeks and around her mouth. It was almost as if she had aged ten years last week. She seemed incredibly fragile, just like my mother in recent weeks.

"I don't want to leave you alone."
I carefully closed her thin body into my trembling arms. She smelled just like she had smelled when I was a child. Like our Southern Islands.

"I'll get along," she assured me half-heartedly and patted my back. Suddenly I realized that she wouldn't live long either. That I also had to let her go soon.
"Please, Grandma... I don't want to leave."

I had lived my whole life here in the South. Bangkok was more than just far away. I didn't have many friends here, few acquaintances, but I certainly wouldn't have anyone there. Except for a violent father.

"It's only for your best, my boy," my grandmother repeated herself and now hot tears began to run out of my eyes.
"You'll see, you'll like it there."
She gently wiped my eyes with her fingertip and collected my tears again.

„Your father has a pleasant life there. It is only beneficial for you and your education," she tried to convince me again and again.
And with a heavy heart I had to do what was best for her, what was the best for others.

End of flashback

I didn't even know where my father really worked anymore. Ma had always said that he was a bodyguard with one of the richest families in Thailand, but as soon as you looked for this dubious family, you didn't find out anything about the family. Maybe my father had also lied and in reality he was working as a drug dealer in the last rat hole.

After all, I wouldn't be surprised.

The flight to Bangkok had been the first in my entire life. In addition, for the first time I did not travel with either my mother or with my grandmother. The four-hour flight was probably the most terrible one of my life, again and again I had to think about what I had left behind on the Island. And what awaited me on the Mainland.

My so-called father awaited me with a grim look and bad mood in front of the exit of the airport, which I had previously found with difficulty.

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