chapter five

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V e n i c e

While my motorcycle drove faster and faster over the densely trafficked streets of Bangkok, my focus was everywhere, just not on complicated road traffic. Over and over again I had to think about this boy, everything about him was more than strange.

Perhaps I would have recognized similarities externally if his behavior was not completely contrary to that of his father. He seemed downright lost and very overwhelmed, which was also evident in his stuttering language.

At some point, after I was almost the only one to speak, he had disappeared at lightning speed. It had only needed a loud call from his father so that he pulled off like a kicked dog. I almost laughed at it if it hadn't been so sad. His fallen face was still more than present in front of my inner eye.

With thoughts still mainly with the poor boy, I turned into the court of the Main Mansion. Fortunately, Dad had still let me drive, Phoenix didn't wait for me all day after all day.
I had always envied him, not only was his home, the Main Mansion, even more exclusive than the Minor Mansion, but somehow everything about his life was better.

He had the better grades, the better friends and sometimes I wondered if he also had the better parents. While Dad always expected more than just good performance from me, Phoenix was able to do what he wanted practically all day. Kinn and Porsche almost never forbade him anything, never punished him for his mistakes and repeatedly showed him how much they liked him and that they regretted his adoption for nothing in the world.

After all, he had always been wanted and not simply dumped. Even though I knew that Dad's father had impregnated someone before he died and this woman had then delivered me to Dad and Pa, we rarely talked about it. Only when Dad had one of his tantrums again did he have no inhibitions not let me know.

On the other hand, I knew absolutely nothing about his and Pa's past, as well as about the tense situation between my father and my uncles since I could remember. It was always just about me having to surpass Phoenix when there was an eternal competition in the family.

Sighing, I handed over the keys of my motorcycle to one of the bodyguards placed in front of the Main Mansion. My parents had given it to me for my last birthday, shortly after Phoenix also got one.

I found my cousin downstairs in the basement of the Main Mansion, he stood with his back to me and was just shooting at some human-like cardboard targets. By wearing hearing protection, he only noticed me when I stepped next to him with my arms crossed.

Grinning, he then took off his headphones while I examined his shot goal. He hadn't missed a single shot.
"You are getting better and better," I commented and a grin spread on his face, which in no way resembled that of his parents.

"I now have shooting lessons every week, fathers think that I should also defend myself," he replied and then secured his weapon. Until a few years ago, I had been the one who had been the better of us in shooting, meanwhile Phoenix had also surpassed me.

"How are Uncle Kinn and Uncle Porsche?" I asked, sat down together with Phoenix in the lounge corner of the training room. While he puts his weapon clinging on the shiny table, I reached for one of the drinks provided.

"A lot of work, in business and privately," Phoenix replied and I did not miss his mischievous grin at all, which I replied knowingly.
"And with your fathers?"
I took a big sip of the juice and rolled over my legs while Phoenix looked at me.

"Annoying, exhausting, demanding," I said and
I very much hoped that they would take an example from my uncles. If Dad had more to do, he might not pay so much attention to my mistakes.
„Admirable that they let you go. After all, you failed in the last exam."

Phoenix and I went to the same class and sometimes I really hated that he presented me with his better performances at every opportunity. Especially since he knew exactly how much it bothered Dad in particular.

"And even without a bodyguard," he added when I didn't reply.
"You know I hate companionship."
And I knew that he often had no other way. On one point, our parents were similar. All four were more than just overprotective and would prefer not to lose sight of us twenty-four hours a day. Although I was sure that Phoenix was because Kinn and Porsche were worried that someone was doing something to him. Dad and Pa were more afraid that I would do something to anybody else.

Suddenly, before Phoenix could agree with me, the doors opened and from the number of bodyguards alone, I could see that it was none other than Tankhun. Unlike Phoenix and me, my crazy uncle at least always needed his two bodyguards Arm and Pol with him to feel a touch of security at all.

"Venice!" he howled at me joyfully and jumped onto the couch next to me, while his bodyguards only followed him with unpleasant glances.
"What are you doing down here in this terrible cellar, together with this brat."

I had to refrain from grinning because I knew exactly that he preferred me a lot more than Phoenix and made no secret of it. Even if he and Dad absolutely didn't like each other, I had been the first he could have taken care of and who had already watched series with him when no one knew about Phoenix's existence.

"Better come up and watch my new K-drama with me," he really begged me while he grabbed my hands. Phoenix, meanwhile, could only turn his eyes annoyed, he had to endure our exhausting uncle every single day.

"I'm sure I've watched the series at least three times, uncle," I objected and Thankhun exhaled indignantly.
"But you don't even know which one it's about yet! If you always come here to see Phoenix, you don't even have to come soon!" he moaned loudly and I exchanged a suffering look with Phoenix.

"Uncle Noo, Phoenix invited me and we wanted to go out later ...," I started calmly and knew that he had stopped listening at 'out' at the latest.
"Venice, don't leave the house, please! They kidnap you and I don't have anyone to watch my series with me anymore," Thankhun sobbed loudly and shook my shoulders violently.

"Please, please don't, Venice!" he continued to plead and then pressed me so tightly that I felt suffocating. Looking for help, I looked at Arm and Pol, who then rushed towards us.
"Khun Noo, please be careful with Khun Venice," Arm cautiously asked his boss, while my gaze only darkened further.

"Arm, Pol, bring the madman back to his room," Phoenix then turned to the two bodyguards, who had difficulty following his orders, on the basis of my uncle, who was not exactly silent.
"Don't call me crazy, you ungrateful child," Thankhun then screamed further and tried to kick his nephew with hectic gestures, who was rather less impressed by it.

"Please, stop, Khun Noo," Pol begged my uncle and both he and Arm looked like they definitely didn't get enough salary for this.
"Come on, let's go," Phoenix then suggested when the two bodyguards had Thankhun under control. With an apologetic look at them, I then followed my cousin into his room, while on the way there, as so often, I noticed once again how beautiful the Main Mansion was.

"So what is it? Do you feel like going out?" Phoenix then inquired with me knowingly and I stretched my chin.
"What do you think?" I replied confidently, while I was just thinking that my parents would definitly kill me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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