Christmas special🎄

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Tw:blood,Bad grammar

Info:normal AU?

Genre:fluff and slight angst



Third person POV:

Today was Christmas and Finney and Gwen were cooking while the others were coming over to have a dinner with their families at Finney's dads house so once they were all set,they would just hang out until somebody comes.

After everyone came,everyone was hanging out and having a good time.....well not everyone.....there Finney who was just sitting there on the couch spacing out,bitting his nails and probably overthinking things that he should not be thinking.....or else

Robin's POV

Finney's Dad invited us and the others families to come over and have dinner and hang out.Once we got there I saw Finn on the couch bitting his hurts me to see him do that and the amount of times we told him to stop doing that,i was walking to him to sit down with him but it seems like he is spacing out

"Finn...?"I say putting a hand on his shoulder and by the looks of it,he flinched.He never flinched before when I put my hand on him,this isn't normal....or at least for me

Finney's POV

"O-oh,hey"I said choking on my breath and surprised seeing my Best friend

"Hey,are you okay..?"he said giving me an confused and a concerted look on his face,he knows about me and my s/h and he makes sure I'm not doing it again but I can't.....sorry Robin....... "yeah I'm fine"giving him a soft voice and a smile but it doesn't seem like he believes that

"Okay then..but have you seen the others?"Robin says looking around for them "no I haven't actually.."I say in a confused voice "We're right here dumbasses"a familiar voice said and we both looked to see who said that

It was Vance,and Bruce was right behind him waving

"Hello To you to Vance and Bruce"I say"hi Finn and robin,How is it going?"Bruce says sitting down on the couch right beside me and Vance sitting beside Robin

"It's going okay"

no it's not...

-time skip-

Third person POV:

It was going well on the dinner table but Finney felt something wet on his thigh,He looked down to see a blood stain on his pants

'Shit,shit,shit' he curse to himself'I swore I bandage it right' he thought to himself and right before anyone could see he ran straight into the bathroom locking himself in there

Bruce's POV:

I was sitting beside Vance talk to him until I saw finney get up and ran to the Restroom and something else catches my eye.........A blood Stain.....on his pants......or probably something else,like he dropped something,his drink? food piece....?

I don't know but I also got up to follow him

"Where are you going"Vance says,taking a drink from his cup of dr. Pepper(I have a hc about him liking Dr.pepper😭)
"I have to use the restroom"I say smiling and leaving to follow finn

-time skip-

Finney's POV:

I got to restroom and locking myself in there and as fast as I can,I try to find the bandages underneath the Counter and I also need to get a new pair of pants but the thing is,I heard footsteps and I don't know who it is and I hear them coming closer each second until I hear a knock on the door

I froze....

"Who is it..?"I ask getting up to unlock the door and let me tell you,that was probably the worst thing I have ever done"it's Bruce..."He says


"O-oh.....bruce......."I Whisper as I open the door to see my boyfriend and a sad smile and I return one back at him"is...everything alright...?"he asked coming in the restroom and locking the door behind him"uhh....yeah....."I say in a uncomfortable voice"what's that on your thigh?"He asks and looks at me up and down and walks closer

"I..uh....I spilled my drink!Yeah I spilled my drink"I said smiling and look down on my thigh

"Finn....tell me the truth"Bruce said in a serious voice statement and hell that scares me but I knew I couldn't lie to him and after he said that,I broke down dropping on my knees but he Catches me and pulls me into a hug and I hug him back,tightly Not wanting to let him go

"I-I'm s-sorry"I say sobbing in his shoulder and I feel him slightly smiling and hugging me a little bit more tighter"it's okay,it's not your fault...I'm not mad at you"

What....he's not mad at me....?


"And All I want for Christmas is you to be happy...."he says pulling away from the hug and kissing me like his life depended on it and I love him for it

"I love you........"

"I love you more Finn.........."



It took me a whole month to do this but I finally finished it and I kept my promise to make a Christmas one shot and really sorry I couldn't make a halloween oneshot😅I was trick or treating with my friends

But hope you guys got Presents and was very good this year👍 and Merry Christmas

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