Chapter 1

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The passenger spaceship directly from Korlisch to Ulningfort will take off in a few minutes, and the ring tones on the wristwatches or mobile phones of those passengers are telling them this. Although this group is still soliciting customers, there are still many people who want to leave. A few months ago, the minerals which found on the 1st satellite of Korlisch doubled the population of Korlisch overnight. But when people found that it was just a scam of a real estate dealer, they left here immediately. They beat up the liar, divided his money, and then ran to other mines.

At this time, the cabin door of the spaceship was closing, and all the passengers urged it to close quickly, so as to leave this disgusting place quickly. When the cabin door was half closed, a man suddenly rushed in. It seemed that he had run for a long time and now he was holding the door handle.

" Hey, where's your ticket?"The crew member who checks the tickets came over and pointed at the man. The man looked up at him and walked inside without saying anything. The cabin door clattered shut.

The ticket inspector grabbed him: "I am asking you, where is your ticket?"

The man felt that he had been severely scratched and looked back. In front of him was a young face, which seemed unnatural. The man took a breath. Like him, the ticket inspector was a resurrected man with a mechanical body, but the sailor's body was much newer than his. He had to take out his police certificate, show it in front of the crew and passengers, swipe the card, pay the ticket of 60 Galactic currency, and then find a vacant seat to sit down. This ship is a light cargo spaceship of Chickonian style. It can put down many seats, so it is still not full even at this time. The the engine vibrated a few times, and then the spaceship left the space port and flew to the first transition point. In the next few days, the spaceship will pass through the territory of the entire Republic of Ulningfort and arrive at the Ulningfort planet located 20000 light years away. The policeman sat in the back seat and watched some boring programs on the screen of the spaceship.

In 529, the 17th era of the Dragon King Calendar, Cietsin Scheiv, a resident of Auyachi——a planet located in Hostzifort district ,was robbed by a man on his way home. The man took away his card with 90 thousand Dukoins which is all his property. Fortunately, a police officer ran over when the man was about to escape and caught up with the robber. The robber suddenly took out a blaster pistol and pulled the trigger without hesitation. Cietsin was shot in the lung and saved his brain after rescue, while the police officer was shot through the head. When Cietsin was resurrected in 2029, he donated all his money to the hospital, and went to apply for the Auyachi's Police Academy with only 500 Dukoins of the resurrection subsidy. He graduated with good grades and became a police officer. Over the past two hundred APO years, he has been wandering around the Hoschfeld region, and his achievements are countless, leaving a good reputation in many regions. However, this case, which was sent to the capitol of Hostzifort, left him at a loss.

At that time, a financial crisis broke out in the Republic of Cheko, which severely hit the industrial chain in the districts nearby. Hostjfort suffered the most and it's proud agricultural processing industry was completely paralyzed. At this time, a man said that it was because of some "special reason beyond our understanding" that led to such a disaster in the Republic of Cheko, and that he could restore the agricultural processing industry in Hostjfort region to the original level, on the condition that he was given 1.6 billion Dukoins. Therefore, the superstitious government put money on the man to turn the economic situation around. After getting the money, the man disappeared immediately. Hostjfort immediately began to investigate, but they found that the matter was not so simple. They first found out his address according to the real name authentication information, and then sent the police force to investigate. Unexpectedly, he sold the place a year ago without registration; Also, according to the big data of Hostzifort district ,they searched for all the information related to this person. Finally, they caught "this person"in the office where the ID card was supplemented. At that time, he was telling the whole process of the ID card being stolen. The man with 1.6 billion Dukoins used his name to escape from Hostjfort. Later, it was revealed that he had boarded a spaceship to go to Ulningfort and was likely going to escape from the Republic of Ulningfort to the Upper Galaxy or Boffenfort. So, while issuing a wanted order to Ulningfort , Hostjfort ordered policemen such as Cietsin to pursue him. Cietsin didn't have much information in his hands, but he decided to go to Ulningfort first.

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