Chp.2 Autistic Justin

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That's his hair color just his hair is a little shorter
And BTW Justin's is not saying anything except for when it's his part he stutters like the other stuff he says it's his mind speaking

Justin's POV
C-can I p-play p-pl-please "no we don't like you, leave scar face" b-but I-I w-wa-wanna be fr-friends w-with y-you g-guys. "Can you leave we're going to tell on you if you don't leave". They poked me in the heart h-hey y-you po-poked my he-heart th-that rea-really hu-hurt. "Oh go cry to your mommy oh wait you don't have one scar face".

Ariana's POV
I walked along the long hallways hearing giggles from different children walking to the desk that said main office smiling to myself hopefully today's the day. Hello you must be Mrs. Nancy WoodBerry my name is Ariana you may call me Ariana."Hello dear how may I help you today". I would like to look at all the children please because I'm planning on adopting. "Well good for let's go have a looksie shall we follow me will start this journey right about now". We started walking down the long bright colorful hallway."Here we have our oldest orphan, and what I mean by that is that they have been here the longest". Who is the one sitting in the corner by himself? "Oh the poor thing that is Justin he's been here since he's was 2 years old and he's 5 years old now today we're trying to surprise him but he won't accept anything." Aww may you um please tell me more about Justin. "Oh yes I may you may want to sit down for this then". We walked to a table that's when my life turned around for the little boy.

Mrs.Nancy (older black lady cool older lady) POV
Okay dokie lets see were do I begin well let's see his name is Justin Drew Bieber he is 5 years old. He has a rare autism called infantroroasis. or In other words type 3 autism making him seem like he's some 21 year old boy but he is actually 5 years old. He is the sweetest thing ever when he does try to communicate with us. He is a very shy young boy mysterious filled with joy at very rare times. "We talked for hours maybe 2 hours I was already in love with the boy but in a motherly way." So what else would you like to know about Justin? "Honestly what happened to his left side of his face like why is it all scared up"? When he was 2 years old he was in a horrible car accident strips of either glass or metal scraped his faced leaving him with a scared face only on one side of his face. His parents fled the scene immediately after so honestly I think it was a planned murdered that failed. "She was getting ready to say something when the little boy also knows as Justin wheeled himself over here. Aww he's so adorable he had tears running down his face". Buddy what's wrong you can tell me do you have to potty he nodded okay come on let's go potty I'll be right back Ariana. "No take your time listen I got to go do you have adoption papers I can have?" Right side on my desk there pink by the way bye dear have a wonderful day. "bye Mrs. Nancy" bye dear.

Ariana's POV
I walked to her desk picking up a copy of the adoption papers walking out the door to my Really nice SUV it was black and white I love this car. Driving home I'm home mom and dad just saying. Walking to see Dylan eating hey you how was school? "It was okay what's in your hand mom"? I will answer that question after I fill this form out so just hang tight I will have to tell everyone about this it's pretty important. Walking to my room I started filling it out and 30 minutes later I was ready to send it in to Tender Heart Nursery. But I'll do that next month witch is in 2 weeks from today.

**2 hours later** At Dinner

Ariana's POV
Me and my mom and dad were setting the table for dinner. It was finally time for dinner we sat at the table and we all started eating when should I say the news. Hey I um have some exiting news I hope for all of you guys. "What is it mom" okay just one thing you guys can't get mad at me this is a good thing hopefully I know it will be but I want you guys to think so too. I was at the Tender Heart Nursery today and I was talking to Mrs.Nancy about um adoption for another child. They looked at me with stunned faces and um I met this incredible little boy his name is Justin and he is the sweetest thing In The world. And he's right now handicapped because of an almost murder but he needs a family that will love him like we all do to each other. But he is different Justin is 5 years old but has the body of a 21 year old and he has infantroroasis also know as type 3 autism. And he needs all this special care now I'm starting to think that my own 2 boys are going to feel neglected which they are not I promise. There are going to be like new rules and boundaries because of Justin. I also will be breastfeeding him which I hope is not a problem for you guys? "Sweetie it's not a problem Hun this will be great have a new family member." See my mom is like my best friend. And another thing he will be over at the beginning of May I have all the papers filled out for the adoption. so is this okay with all of you guys I smiled hoping there okay with it. Okay you guys can carry on with whatever now smilingly I got up I put my plate in the sink walking to my room.

Ariana's moms POV
I am going to go talk to Ariana walking to her room honey may I come in please "yeah is everything alright". Yeah I just want to talk to you your not in trouble or anything wow I haven't said that In a long time. What's bothering you sweetie "oh nothing Just worried no one is going to like Justin that's all." Oh honey everything is going to be fine we will be ready and happy for him. So you plan on breastfeeding him that's a really good choice to do we will go shopping for supplies for that this weekend okay. "Kay he will stay In my room for a while". Alright honey good night "goodnight mom see you tomorrow I have to get ready to go shopping with you tomorrow." Kay sweetheart night walking back downstairs to the kitchen to clean.

Mrs.Nancy's POV
Come on Justin we need to get you to bed you have a big day coming up maybe let's go buddy. "I-is s-some-one goi-going t-to ad-adopt me w-why w-would any-body wan-wanna ado-adopt me". Because buddy your special your a very sweet little boy who just wants to be loved and to have a family but I do t know for sure if it's happening okay don't get your hopes up yet okay now let's get you to bed.

Ariana's POV
I stayed up almost all night last night think of how having a new little kid here again am I going to be a bad mother. I mean I'm adopting and the others don't seem like they like the idea. It finally started to rain here hearing the light drizzles of rain hitting the mansion well house. Felt peaceful i never had breastfeed a little boy before but I will be very soon. It was finally the weekend me and my mom were going shopping for baby supplies for mainly breastfeeding though. ( next chapter I'll show the picture). We walked around different stores looking at breast pumps and bags for them. Shopping is very hard especially when you don't know what to get when its you first time pumping "hi how may I help you ladies this evening"? Um i am looking for a good um a breast pump and thing s for the breast pump for a five year old boy. "Well let's see do you want one with two pumps or with one pump" 2 please we walked and talked I finally found the perfect one it doesn't hurt its painless it's safe it's perfect for Justin. Finally we got home it was going by fast I have 2 days until I bring home Justin.

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