Chapter 8 - The Measure of Courage

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A/N: Updating again cause I really like this chapter + I didn't want to leave y'all hanging here with the last one because it seems like you didn't really like giant Yunho - I'm sorry for that, but I always loved the giant's character hahaha

Anyways, here's the next chap! This week I'll also try to update my Mermaid SVT book as I got inspired and finished the third story yesterday :))



Yeosang, San and San's horse have been walking for a while now in the forest. Yeosang started to worry for real now. They are in the Forbidden Forest after all.

'What lives in the forest down under that cave?'

'Spongebob SquarePants' singsang San. (A/N: I'M SORRY I HAD TO) Yeosang rolled his eyes. San cleared his throat. 'I mean anything could live down there. This is the Forbidden Forest. I don't know why are you surprised. By the way, why did you two even come here-'


'Wooyoung!! Oh, thank god!' sighed Yeosang and ran forward. Wooyoung hugged the pegasus' neck. 'And you found Jongho too' smiled Yeosang seeing the bear cub. Wooyoung suddenly narrowed his eyes and glared behind Yeosang.

'What are you still doing here?' he looked at San. If looks could kill the other boy would have been dead already.

'Came to save you, pretty boy' mocked San. Wooyoung could hear a small sound that sounded like a sigh. It made him look down. Jongho, his bear cub was looking at the man dreamily.

'Oh for fuck's sake' mumbled Wooyoung. 'Traitor!'

'What happened to you there?' asked Yeosang curiously.

'I fell into the cooking pot of a real giant' said Wooyoung, making the other two look at him weirdly. 'It's a long story' he shrugged. 'I'll explain later.'

'And how did you escape?'

'Hm, let's just say with my genius brain and courage. And this ribbon I found in the clothes Hongjoong hyung gave me' Wooyoung raised the ribbon.

'With a ribbon?' asked San. Wooyoung was getting ready for a response to whatever insult the other had for him, but San's expression softened. 'You're braver than I thought' he mumbled.

'Wait, Wooyoung!' gasped Yeosang. 'Bravery, that's it! Raise the ribbon higher!'

Wooyoung furrowed his eyebrows but did as told and held the ribbon above his head.

'It's exactly your size!' yelled out Yeosang excitedly. 'The Measure of Courage!'

As soon as he said that, the ribbon in Wooyoung's hand started glowing. He widened his eyes as sparkles appeared and the ribbon started transforming into something else. It was a wand, about a meter long.

'The Measure of Courage' whispered Wooyoung in awe. 'Oh my gosh, we did it!'

'The Measure of Courage?' snorted San. Wooyoung rolled his eyes and turned back to the other boy. 'You really believe that you can build the Wand of Light?' laughed San.

'What's your problem?' scoffed Wooyoung.

'That the Wand of Light doesn't exist. And you know why? Because it's just a myth. A fairy tale' said San seriously, grabbing his horse's reins meanwhile.

'Then how would you explain what just happened?' fought back Wooyoung. Yeosang seemingly enjoyed the show as he silently chuckled to himself, but neither of them realized that as they were too immersed in arguing again.

'Well, yes, it was kind of weird. But as I said, we are in the Forbidden Forest. A lot of weird things happen here' gestured San.

'Do you have anything else to say?' asked Wooyoung theatrically picking his nails, acting as if he was bored with the other.

'I don't think so. And now if you'll excuse me, I'll make my leave. I have places to be' said San.

'Have fun, Mr Important!' yelled Wooyoung watching as the other boy walked away with his horse behind him and disappeared between the trees. Wooyoung gritted his teeth as he turned back to Yeosang.

'Ugh! What a selfish bastard this guy is!' he screeched while gripping his hair. Yeosang grinned.

'But he is handsome' he answered. Wooyoung couldn't help but imagine San's face in front of himself again. He had to admit, the other boy was hella hot. If they didn't meet like this, he probably would've made a move on him because he looked exactly how he imagined his dream boyfriend... not that he had a dream boyfriend, of course. He felt his cheeks heat up so he quickly turned away to hide his blush.

'Really? I didn't realize that' he lied. Yeosang chuckled and stepped next to his brother.

'Look, Wooyoung... I think he could help us-'

'No! No way' shook his head Wooyoung. Yeosang gave him a stern look.

'He knows this place better than we do. And he is a good guy, even if he was being an ass to you. Who knows what could attack us or what kind of people we'll meet on our way-'

'You're right' sighed Wooyoung. Yeosang was about to thank the gods that Wooyoung is fine with San, but the younger continued. 'We need someone to sacrifice when something attacks us. Good thinking, big bro' he patted the pegasus' back. Yeosang rolled his eyes as he watched Wooyoung jog in the direction where San went. It's kind of a progress.

'Hey, San!' yelled Wooyoung as he spotted the other boy and his horse walking on the path. San stopped and turned around. Wooyoung slowed down too to catch his breath. Then he suddenly saw something. 'Your sword! Where is it from?' he asked.

'I made it' answered San, grabbing the handle of his sword.

'Are you a blacksmith?'

'My father is. I learned a lot from him. What's with all the questions?' asked San suspiciously.

'Look, San... when I have everything for the Wand of Light I'm going to need someone like you.' San raised an eyebrow. Wooyoung continued. 'Someone who can build the wand. I can see that you are talented. Even if you don't believe in the Wand of Light. And you know this place better than us...'

'I'm sorry. As I said, I have stuff to do' said San sternly and turned back.

'Please! San, please, help us! I... I've done some horrible things and I just... I want to make it right...'

San stopped at Wooyoung's words but didn't turn back.

'Make it right' he muttered.

'I was acting really impolite and childish towards you and I apologize for that' said Wooyoung quietly. 'And I said and did terrible things to my parents... I'm the worst son in the world. And the worst prince even to exist. I always had everything I wished for in my whole life and I was too blind to see it. I didn't deserve anything from that and now I'm paying for being so stupid. My parents and the people of the village... they were all turned into statues by this sorcerer Wenlock. If I don't marry him in three days then they'll stay like that forever. The Wand of Light is my last hope to make everything right.'

San turned back towards the prince. Wooyoung got some courage from the fact that he was actually paying attention to what he said.

'I swear I'll pay it back to you later! You can get as many gems as you want!' he continued. 'Just please, help us' he finished in a small voice. San slowly walked back to him.

'You're saying this so nicely, pretty boy' he said. Wooyoung almost felt like kicking him for calling him that again, but he held himself back. He needed San's help. 'So nicely that I can't refuse. Let's do this!'

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