Chapter Two

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"You mean boss!" I corrected over my shoulder, trying very hard to walk in the tall shoes I wore, it was a bad idea.

"Wait till you see him Raven, he's hot as hell!" Helga yells out the door as I run to the door of my car, open it and wait for Samson to jump in before climbing in after him, starting the car, and starting my short drive to work, I only lived four blocks from it, which was convenient.

But I was still really really late, I was hoping whoever this Mr. Harrison is, he can excuse a little bit of delay.


{Authors Note}

Changed storyline! 

Raven will be both editorial and assistant, I will integrate it into the first chapter once the book is finished, but until then I am very sorry for the confusion if there is any. Raven is Mr. Harrison's editor and writer for the company along with his personal assistant.


Chapter Two

I sped down the street, not going too much over the speed limit, but fast enough to go at least a few miles per hour past the speed limit, I put my foot to the gas pedal trying like hell to steady my breathing. 

My hands shook around the wheel as I grip it hard, trying not to lose my cool in traffic, the one thing I hate is New York traffic. You are stuck for a very long time, one time when I was younger my parents and I got stuck in traffic for three hours on the highway. 

There was an accident, a six-car pile-up that happened around the curve of the highway just out of view, and we had been stuck there for hours, singing songs, crying, laughing and eventually I fell asleep until the car jerked me awake when it was time to go again. 

My phone starts to ring and I answer it, putting it on speaker on the passenger seat, "Hello?" I ask, finally able to go after a red minivan accelerates in front of me. 

"Hey Raven, it's Helga. You forgot your laptop, and um, your paper is still blank." Helga replies softly. 

My eyes widen, "Oh my-I fucking didn't do the damn column and forgot my laptop. What in gods name am I going to do with myse-Helg-?" I ask. 

"Yes, I'll bring it. What kind of friend would I be if I just left it here, are you there yet?" Helga asks.

"I'm pulling in right now." I reply. 

"Good, I'm walking out the door now, be there in a couple of minutes," Helga says and hangs up. 

I sigh and turn into the parking lot to my job, I have worked at this building for four years. I started on the third floor, and gradually worked my way up and I loved my job. Being an editor for the twenty-fourth was my dream job since the top floor was dedicated to bosses, as in the managers for every floor, Mr. Harrison, and the assistants that run from the top floor throughout the building for what their boss needs.

I loved my job, being a writer for the company I was settled with, and I was happy. 

Now, I'm going to be an editor, writer, and publisher along with a personal assistant who gets to spend her time writing along with doing petty errands for bosses who are lazy they can't get it themselves. 

That's my opinion about bosses who need help from an assistant, instead of rather doing it yourself, you'd rather put your feet up and let somebody else do your dirty work for you. 

Be With You ~ Hearts Intertwined Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now