Chapter 13

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I know I should not get excited and I know that I should probably push him so that he could stop whatever he is planning to do right now but all I did was bite my lower lip and stare at him straight into his eyes when he bent forward. My anticipation grew to it’s peak in that short span of time when his face reached my side with his lips barely touching my ears sending shivers down to my spine.

My hands are sweating even in this cold weather and I desperately want to hold his shoulder to steady myself but I’m so scared right now to move even a muscle because I don’t want him to pull back. My mind and heart are being wicked to know what he wants to do and that’s when it dawn to me that whatever I’m feeling for Eric is more than a crush.

Crushes are meant to be innocent, it’s always about a single glance at their direction, stalking them on their social media, getting jealous when you come across a picture of them with some other girl, doing crazy antics to get their attention, gossiping with our friends and so on and on but whatever I’m feeling right now for Eric is not at all innocent. It’s way more than a stalking and heart skipping a beat. It is something that have the tendency to burn me, it is something too dark and dangerous. It is desire, pure and dark desire which feels like a necessity and forbidden at the same time. I want this man, I want him beside me, under me, above me, inside me and all over me.

Damn it.

“You look beautiful” he whispered in my ear and his cheeks slightly brushing mine. God, this is torture but I don’t want him to stop.

“Like a doll” he added and I closed my eyes in agony. I so badly want him to touch me anywhere and everywhere.

“Do you know what I want to do right now?” his voice became too husky and light for me to bear. It’s a wonder how I’m managing to stand, my knees have turned into jelly moments ago.

“What?” I whispered back. I could feel him smirk and I’m very sure he is aware of his effect on me.

“To take you to that party of yours and get it done with ASAP” he said in his normal voice and pulled back leaving me cold and panting. His smirk is gone and is replaced with a genuine smile. He eyed me from top to bottom once again before walking to the door leaving me all confused and angry at the same time. I marched to his car furiously and shut the car door with extra force than neccesary catching his attention.

“Don’t you know to be soft at all? He asked and I just shrugged. He cursed under his breathe and ignited the car engine. The drive to the venue was 10 minutes which happened to be in utter silence. From the way his hand fidgeted with the steering wheel I knew that he was in deep thoughts about god knows what. My mind has still not come to ease from what happened few minutes back and I surely don’t want to think about the fire he ignited within me there.

“Here” he gave me his arm for me to hold like a gentleman once the valet took the car from the entrance.

“and now you want to behave like a gentleman?” I asked arching my one eyebrow.

“I’ve always been a gentleman” he winked.

“Yeah, sure” I scoffed and walked without taking his hand.

“Seriously?” I heard him say and within few seconds he is beside me.

“Which floor?” he asked once we got into the elevator but not giving him another look I pressed the floor number 16 and stood silently.

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