family reunion

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Phayu pov

We were all talking when rain came running up to us "P pai.......P" "Rain what happened to sky?? "Prapai look quite worried while saying this " h...he...he was taken by his ex"rain said at the verger of breaking down  "what's his ex doing here in the first place" Macau asked quite confused "rain what's sky's ex's name? "Chay questioned " gun" both prapai and chay shared an uneasy look "ya! you know something, what is it? "Macau scream not liking what was going on " phayu make sure the plan goes smoothly and chay, Macau rain follow phayu's lead and make sure no one finds out I'm gone" Saying this he ran off "yah!! WHERE ARE YOU GOING!!!!! ISHHH you better not be like him" Macau said making me giggle a little. "Let's go or when he'll be back he'll be more pissed" chay said ignoring whatever the fuck that justed happened "ok but what about sky" rain asked concerned about his friend "don't worry by tomorrow gun's either going to be in the family mansion tortured or dead on the spot" an unknown person spoke "who are you??? " rain asked with a puzzled look, boy he was cute "hi! I'm eunyoo

 "Let's go or when he'll be back he'll be more pissed" chay said ignoring whatever the fuck that justed happened "ok but what about sky" rain asked concerned about his friend "don't worry by tomorrow gun's either going to be in the family mansion ...

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Prapai's older sister " eunyoo said with a smile  you finally made it Macau said going in for a hug but   eunyoo moved out the way and Macau landed on chay instead. "Hey baby" Macau said with a husky voice "h... hey~~" chay said in a low voice being all flustered "ok ok cut it out love birds let's go with the plan"

~~~~~~~~~"Phayu go and stay in the office room make sure no one sees you going in"~~~~~~~~"macau make an excuse to bring uncle Vegas and Pete to the office room"~~~~~~~~~~~"chay and rain make sure to distract the family as long as you can make sure no one finds out that sky and prapai are missing , make sure no one goes to the office room and make sure no one gets suspicious " ~~~~~~~~~~ "I'll go in the security room and make sure no one goes near the room"~~~~~~~~" if there is anything suspicious going on I'll tell you to these ear peaces"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Pete pov
Macau had told me and vagas to follow him  because he needed to tell us a secret this boy would really die in my hand if the secret was that he had to get a sword because ninjas were going to attack. We soon entered a room where I saw a young looking boy. wait a minute "Macau did you kidnap a boy" "yes he wait What! No I didn't kidnap him!!! P~~~~ don't you recognize him , he's our Venice our boy your son!!! " Macau yelled out it excitement "Venice my Venice" I ran straight to my son bringing him in my embrace "are you really my baby or did Macau tell you to act this to make me happy" "don't worry I'm not acting I'm really your Venice". Vegas moved me aside and started to check Venice all over his body " hunny what are you doing? " "if this is really Venice then he'll have a scare on his body" "wait what why would Venice have a scare on his body??? "I agree on what Macau had said " Vegas what are you hiding " "ok so when we first had Venice and you left me in charge of the baby while you and Macau were out I might have sort of gave him a scare on accident" "VEGAS Theerapanyakul!!! O you are so dead!! "  "pa pa pa dad obviously didn't mean it" "why are you defending your dad" "because I just met you guys after so long and I don't want war. And one more thing no can know I'm Venice especially Korn that's why you guys have to call me phayu please just keep this secret until everything is sorted. " "we will I'm just happy we got our son back" and we all had a giant hug °phayu phayu come in get everyone out of there korn's coming your° "what was that?? " "we need to get out Korn's coming" and just like that we all got out of there just in time and went different ways. I'm so happy that I finally got to meet my so after so long I just wish everything could go back to the way it was supposed to be two families together.

Hope you enjoyed😊

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