unexplainable event

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Sky pov

I didn't know what was going on guns were going of everywhere my main goal was to get to  uncle Pete as he was the only one in the house with me. "Uncle Pete what's going on?" I asked while hiding behind the wall near to him "kinn happen he thinks we took his kids and wife and holding them hostage"he answered while shooting "did you tell him we didn't!! " "I did but kinn isn't the one to listen!!!". Some more bodyguards came into help and it was just a war zone in the mansion. " lets get out of hear" I followed  uncle Pete and we got out the back door heading straight to the main family mansion.

"Khunnoo!!!! " Arm!!! Pole!!!" The only people we knew that could get kinn to calm down. "What!! Why are the you here Pete  and who is this? "  "khunoo this is sky, prapai boyfriend. And we  need you to calm your fucking brother down. He thinks we kidnapped the kids and Porsche. "  "ok.ok so sky is prapai boyfriend then who's   Sangmi.?? "  "Me!! Me and sangmi are the same person she is me and me... I mean.. I'm her  it was all just an act to be put in front of Korn. "   " ok and about kinn I can't do anything...... Bu--"

Tankhun pov

Kinn was yelling out for Pete to calm down but how did he know they were here?? "Kinn!! Calm down what's wrong and why are you yelling for Pete he'll be in the minor mansion"
"Where do you think I've just come from that coward came escaped to here. "   "don't you call my Pete a coward don't you remember he was the families main bodyguard. " "whatever where are you hiding him?? " "his not here, and why are you acting like this?? " "the bastered kidnapped my family!! "  "are you sure or did you yourself make Porsche run away this isn't the first he did it when kijo was first born and when you tried to kill Venice..... Keep doing what you're doing and who knows he might leave you forever..... Think about it kinn and maybe even try seeing things through his point of view. " after saying that I left and headed straight for Pete and sky. "We need to get you two out of here without anyone knowing". Before we could do anything else a series of gunshots went of in the main Hall " oh what know?? ". Me and pole went out to see what was going on.
" KINN YOU FUCKING BITCH GIVE ME BACK MY SON IN LAW AND BEST FRIEND!!! " "Porsche~~ where have you been baby I was so worried~~~"  "worried my foot, you kidnapped my best friend and sky, if you were truly be worried then you won't have abandoned your family and sided with stupid father who wants us all dead." "My father would do no such thing". It was at least half and they were still arguing.

Vegas pov

I had enough of this two idiots arguing I ordered my men to search the house and if they had to use any force they could. Me, Venice and rain headed to kinn office.
" pa where are you! " "Pete! " "pa!! "

'Meememeememmeem' "did you two here something" "no " "shuuush listen"  'memememeememem' "it's coming from behind the this shelf" "Venice bring that  knife" "p pai!! " "wow rain who did you-?? " "one of the books outed it, it's like one of those trapped doors in movies"  "awww my son in law so smart"  " anyway how did you guy who did this to you??" "Korn"

Hoped you enjoyed
I don't know how this turned out I don't real know how to write war scenes.𓆩❤𓆪

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