my daughter in-law

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Author pov

"I'm still confused why we have to wear dresses and pretend to be girls" sky asked trying to adjust his outfit "well because we don't want you guys to get hurt and Korn told me that he wants a biological heir to the family not another adopted on" prapai said eyes tearing up but stopped himself from crying and let out a little smile. "I like my outfit" rain said doing a little twirl "so do i" phayu whispered but it was enough for everyone to hear. Rain was a blushing mess while prapai and sky were laughing their heads off. "P pai rain's scared. p phayu's going to hurt rain" rain said as he ran behind prapai hiding from phayu "ya! P phayu stay away from my baby" sky said hugging rain "you both look like your rains parents" phayu said in between his laugh "yah! And I'm rains dad" prapai said and ended up getting a smack on the head by sky "awww that hurts" prapai said pouting "I don't care" sky said rolling his eyes.
"Ok ok lets go before the two of you kill each other and by that I mean sky killing prapai" phayu said and prapai gave him a sarcastic smile.



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Sky's outfit

Rain's outfit

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Rain's outfit


~~~~~~~~at the main family mansion~~~~~~~

"Remember rain from now on your  Risa and your phayus wife"prapai explained making rain blush and phayu smirk. " what about me?? "Sky asked confused of what he was to do there " you my love, your name will be Sangmi and you'll be my girlfriend "prapai said coming closer to the boy " AAAAA AAAAA!!! "Sky yelled making everyone cover their ears and causing the whole main family to gather outside armed with guns. "Paa~~" prapai said with a smile "Phoenix" Porsche said making his way to his son and giving him a hug "my baby is back, where did you go, huh? " Porsche said giving his a tiny smack on his head "pa I went to bring your future daughter in law " prapai said with a smile bringing sky in front of him "Sawadee khaa~~, khun Porsche my name is Sangmi" sky said shyly "oh my girl you can call me pa" Porsche said with a smile and hugging sky. "Ya Phoenix who are the two of them" Porsche said noticing the two figures behind "ah pa this is my friend phayu and his wife Risa ,Sangmi's best friend" prapai introduced the two "Sawadee krap/khaa~~" phayu and rain say at the same time "oy Risa your so cute , from now on you and Sangmi are staying with me" Porsche said and the both of them nodded "come on lets of in inside" Porsche said and the four followed behind completely forgetting the rest of the family


Hope you enjoy😊

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