Monday comes and so dose school (2)

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A/n: i forgot to say that this will fanfic will contain some sensitive subjects like: sh,ed,abuse,sa and cussing (if you dont know what these are look at the very bottom and i will write it there) AND (i will put a trigger warnig)

You wake up and quickly realize that it's Monday, just when you're about to pick up your phone your alarm starts going off and drop your phone on your face. After you rub your face with your hands you look at the time it's 6:15 then you sit up in your bed and go take a shower, after your shower you get changed into, black shorts (or long baggy pants) with a band tee and over that a gray overside zip up hoodie and under your shorts are fishnets and some chunky boots. For accessories you have: rings a a belt that you love and a crossbody bag with a lot of pins on it (your school bag) snd you put eyeliner at your waterline and some mascara (optional)

You look at the time its 6:45 'perfect' you think to yourself and so you head down to the kitchen where Andrew is finishing up his breakfast. Barbara asks of you want something too but you don't eat in the morning so you declined the offer, then you ask Andrew if you can walk with him, Andrew is putting on his shoes as he answers "of course, but you'll have to walk further then me because you are going to high school, oh and 2 of my friends will join us nick and jessi" you smile and thank him as you head out the door.

(The f slur is in here after 'emo')
At first this Red haired girl joins you which you think is jessi and you were right, Andrew introduces you to each other and jessi looks thrilled and compliments your outfit "hi, i'm jessi glaser! And your outfit is so cool!" She has a big smile on her face like she never seen someone dress as you do. This made you a little nervous because what if you are the only one dressed like this and people will call you 'emo' or 'faggot' or something like that. But you snap out of it when you stop at a Beautiful house and a small boy walks out of it and when he noticed you he had a look if fear in his eyes, but after Andrew introduce you to each other he has a look of Flintiness on his face and says "well hello, i am nick birch" you cringe. You think he saw the cringe look on your face because he immediately dropped it and and cleared his throat, after a moment of silence you all started walking aging you at the back and the 3 teens upfront. They were talking about some drama at school and stuff you didn't really listen to them but you put your earbuds in and start listening to you favorite song, after a while you arrive at there school and bow you have to walk just a little more but first you say goodbye to them and start walking where Andrew told you to and in 2 min you were there in no time.

You walk in to school and go to the front desk to get your schedule and you have:

1st math
2nd art
3rd drama
| Lunch |
4th Science
5th Ela
6th home ec
7th chemistry

You still have like 7 min, left so you go searching for your locker and you are checking what your number is when you bump into some around the same hight as you and when you look up you see a blond girl with a pink skirt and a white top. You apologize at the same time and you both laugh a little, she apologize first then you and she asked you "oh you are the new kid right?" With a smile you nod and she speaks again "oh, sorry i am leah birch, i saw you walk with my little brother and his friends" you freeze for a moment and then say "ohhh, yeah, but first of yes i am the new here it's my first day and, second i didn't see you where you behind us?" 


Leah chuckled "oh, no my brother drove me here and i saw from his car" you realized that you totally forgot to introduce yourself "oh shit, sorry i didn't introduce myself, i'm y/n l/n" she laughs a little and says "it's fine, do you need help finding your locker?" "Oh yes, i was acutely on my way to find it until i bumped into you" i say while chuckling a little. And after that she helps you find your locker, turns out it to far from yours. You two were talking as you were packing in your things but drop a few things Leah helps you pick them up and sees your schedule and reads it, she gasps a little and says "we have math, art, science and cemetery together!" You are relieved because you already found someone that you can talk to. But the bell rings, and so you head to math together, you get there on time and the teacher says that you will be sitting in the middle and all the way back. Leah already was sitting and taking out her things so she didn't see that you were walking to the very back you calmly sat down and no one was sitting next to you se you thought this was the best.

15 minutes later a guy walks in. He had black hair and blue tips, a band tee, and black skinny jeans that were ripped at the knee. And something that also stood out was his monotone/annoyed facial expression.
He started walking towards the back where you were, the teacher tried to ask him why he was late but he completely ignore the teacher. When he reached the end he looked at you rolled his eyes and sat down next to you, you notice that he didn't have anything on him not even a pen or pencil the teacher gave out paper to work on, you were about to start when the teacher said "okay guys, you'll have to work with you partner and there are no excuses" the guy already had his headphones in, so you decided to tap his shoulder "hi, uhm... we will have to work together..." he looked at you and just gave the death glare. So you turned your head and just started working, but you heard him chuckle and it was a really small one and a really beep one as well you just ignore him and started working and when you were finished you slid your paper over to him so he can copy from you, but he didn't even flinch, and you knew he can see the paper you slid to him so you took his paper and angrily copied from yours but not all the same. When you were done you nudged him again he looked at you again with those death glare but you showed him, his paper and handed him your pen. He was still glaring at you but asked "what" in the most annoyed/monotone voice but it was so deep. You felt you checks getting a little hot but you said "write you name on it" he took your pen and only then did he see that you dad the work for him and you could she the smallest smile you have ever seen.
But you didn't know why you did it though 'maybe i just don't want someone that looks like he can kill you hate me' you thought and by that you heard the bell ring and you had to give in your paper, first the guy that you helped and when he was laying it down in front of the teacher you saw his name written on it 'Judd birch' you read and you remember Leah telling you how her brother drove her here. You were snapped back to reality when the teacher praised Judd he just looked at you and walked out now you put your work down and the teacher asked "did you help him?" You nodded and then he said with a small laugh "well then I'll have to keep you two together" you were kinda Shocked and scared because he literally looks like he can kill you with one finger.
You don't respond to the teacher and just walk out but shortly Leah followed you. "What. the. fuck." She sighed "what? Was i not supposed to help him?" You ask "nono i am just trying to figure out how you he didn't do anything to do, wait. Did he force you?" She questioned.
"Uhm, no i just did it for him" you say suspiciously "you know what let's just go to art and forget about it" and so you enter art class.

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