Cuts and bruises (7)

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You looked at your watch and saw you have about 15 minutes to deal with seth. You were in the bathroom till then but you are walking straight towards her, eyes still red from crying but you don't care. People are watching you, some stare at you while others just give you a dirty look. Seth is turned away from you but she was talking to her friend and she saw you but it was too late, you grab seth by the shoulder and swing her so she is looking you derelict in the eye, but she had to look up because you were taller then her. Seth was just staring at you, And then she rolled her eyes. and started to speak "oh, look... the whore who's dad sent them away." Few people started laughing and giggling while staring at you.

Anxiety kicked in a little but you didn't care, and you decided 'fuck it' and punch her right in the nose. But you didn't hit her right so your hand was hurting now, then you saw her nose was starting to bleed a little and realized it was worth it. Seth looked like she was about to explode then she launched towards you, you tried to Dodge but you didn't fully succeed. She grabbed you by your shoulder and almost fell, but she was still holding on to you so you fell as well and landed on top of her, remembering what this is you quickly pull yourself together and sit on top of her. you start punching her anywhere you cam, but you weren't really a fighter but you still were pretty strong. Seth was literally screaming bloody murder while you were pulling her hair but she did get in some punches as well so your face was also bruised.

After a while you decided that it was enough and also because you somehow also managed to rip her shirt pretty badly so you stopped thinking 'i am better then her, i'm not a monster' because she pretty much was acting like one, all of a sudden you remember where you are, and look up anxiously. You seem a lot of people staring right at you both some with the buried expressions some with anger or fear, you didn't Pay attention to them only thing you could pay attention to was the nauseous Ness in your stomach building up, you didn't want this. So you turned around and literally ran out of school to the Park next to it, there was a good hideout where you sometimes smoke there after school. Tears were running down your face realizing what you just done, 'beating her up?' You thought 'what the fuck?! I'm not like that, at least not anymore...' you try to ignore it because you feel somebody's presence.

"Hey... what the fuck happened back there?" Without looking up you knew who it was, "well" you hesitate "no... i don't wanna talk about it." You say quietly while wiping the tears away from your eyes. "Okays, then at least let me clean your wounds because as i see, she was clutching her keys between her fingers" you look up and tuch your face. Because of the adrenaline you didn't feel her cutting your nose and cheek. "That whore." You say under your breath but it was full with anger. "Well?" You hear judd say "um, yeah... sure" confused on why he followed you and also distracted by anger, he took your hand and started walking towards his home.

You didn't say anything you were too ashamed of everything, even of how you breathe. Without realizing that you were now in Judds bathroom and he was lifting you up because you didn't hear him ask you to. You immediately twitch and snap back to reality, you were already on the counter and he was looking at you "you are more red then the blood of the man i killed yesterday." He says grinning, but all you could say is "what?" Like a idiot. "You heard me faggot" he said kinda annoyed but he knows you heard him, and you did but you still were in shock, mostly because of what he said because the shock from the fight has died down and so did the adrenaline in you. You remembered that you had cuts on you face and you raised a hand and instantly regretted it. Not just because the cuts hur but also because she pulled so hard on your shoulder as she fell, it probably wasn't anything serious but it's still hurt. Judd was looking at you as he was pulling the first aid out of the cabinet "dose your shoulder hurt as well?" "Yes a little but it's probably nothing" you answer him. You look up at him because you heard him chuckle "wow, i didn't know you can be cooperative" and you were annoyed because you realized he was teasing you. "Fuck off, or I'll won't be" your answer came out more sassy than you'd wanted it to, and judd was looking at you like you just got naked in font of him "yeah? Well... if you are going to be a brat i could just handcuff you" he said whit the most monotone voice ever. You turn red, and you didn't know what to say. So you just started at him. As he pulled out some cotton balls and some disinfectant he had a Quick smile knowing how embarrassing you were.

Sorry i didn't post in a while but i actually forgot i had this this someone commented on one of the chapters. Anyway i just had a quick urge to write this.

Love y'all<3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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