Prologue: Paralyzed

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Hey guys, welcome to my story!

Thanks for choosing to pick this up and give it a try, I hope it'll be worth it :)

I dedicate this chapter to AndyDW who made my cover on the side which I love love LOOOOOOOVE.

Anyways, happy reading :D


Part One

Prologue: Paralyzed 

             A cacophony of gunshots and deafening explosions rocked the distance.

          Scott could taste the metallic richness of blood inside of his mouth as a warm breeze blew sand over his face. He didn't give any attention to the vibrating bombs that shook his eardrums, he  had his attention on one of his men geting a handful of bullets torn straight through him. Another was blown back by a mine into a pile of limbs that were coincidentally stacked like Lincoln logs. A head half-covered by the shifting particles stared right into Scott's eyes as the ends of the head's hair started to sizzle by the unforgiving sun.

          Amongst the gore and the blood, Scott found a dune to hide behind. He signaled the rest his men to join him. They were eager, he could tell, to join him though it could easily be confused with desperation. As they made their way back, another one was killed and then another just because they  stopped to help the first. The rest learned not to look back. They all gathered so close that Scott could smell the stench of fear off of them.

           He took a brief headcount.

One, two,

         Seven out of the twenty, and including Scott it would be eight. Eight, only eight have survived and Scott as the best teacher his boys could have but for those dead twelve it was not good enough.

       'Sarge, what do you want us to do," the soldier tried to ask calmly though his was voice cracking under the tension that buried us all under its horrible weight.

          "Yeah Sarge, please tell us, what do we do," another asked.

          The rest of the men were quiet with shock and one was even crying. This is not what they has signed up for. But now they were waiting for an answer.

       BAM!  Suddenly the man that was crying was now on the ground, lying around in his own sopping pool of  blood. The others looked terrified, shaking with slippery streaks of purple-ish red liquid. Seven now, he thought.

          "Sarge!" They barked, "speak, please!"

          Scott looked straight back at his men and opened his mouth to speak. He knew what he had to say, thank god you are alive, fight until it is over, don't back down. He opened his mouth to talk. Nothing came out.

           The expressions of his men kept pressing for answers, they would not accept silence.

          Scott opened his mouth again and forced the air out of his trachea this time will all of the strength left that this war did not eat up yet but all that came out were a series of squeals and a noise that only a man so drunk that he was on the verge of alcohol poisoning could have made. The blood drained from his face in horror, he was as white as the deadly orchid.

        He was so startled by his own voice and started to panic, his voice rose in tension as his men looked at him wildly hoping answers would appear. Scott could not understand what was going on until he saw the look on the soldiers that surrounded him. It was the same look that they gave to the others when that realized that they were dying.

         He had been shot. 


Well that's the prologue.

Thoughs? Comments? Concerns? 

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