🌟💫1️⃣6️⃣⏺3️⃣0️⃣ "Yu Yuehan, don't you regret it!"

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1️⃣6️⃣ YU YUEHAN: "You are fired."

Yu Yuehan turned around and sat himself down on the sofa.

Looking at his posture, he seemed ready to take up the matter personally.

Despite his doubts, the Butler did not dare to poke into the matter.

He urged Nian Xiaomu hastily. "Why are you still stoning here?"


Nian Xiaomu bit her lips.

Her expression did not seem to be as filled with rage as before, but there was still a mixed feeling when she looked at Yu Yuehan.

She wasn't sure what was wrong with her today; she felt that this iceberg was not only handsome, but also pleasing to the eye.

Especially the moment when he made Fang Zhenyi shut her mouth just now.

Simply too strikingly domineering!

"I did not wet the medicine. I saw it with my own eyes; it was Fang Zhenyi who poured the cup of water from the table right into the medicine box. The real thief is calling others a thief." Nian Xiaomu straightened her back and recited the entire incident clearly.

Nian Xiaomu's eyes were filled with rage as she thought of Fang Zhenyi taking advantage of her good temper and tampering with Xiao Liuliu's medicine.

All of this just to chase her away.

"Young Master Han, it wasn't me..." Fang Zhenyi started to get nervous as she listened on.

Just when she wanted to speak, she thought of the Butler's warning and stopped awkwardly.

She was so worried that she resembled ants scrambling on top of a hot pan.

She was afraid that Yu Yuehan would take Nian Xiaomu's words to heart and have her chased out of the Yu Residence.

"Evidence." Yu Yuehan spilled one word out lightly, his thin lips slightly apart.

His deep, soulful eyes and motionless eyebrows made it impossible to guess which party he had belief in.


Nian Xiaomu was stunned at his questioning.

He did not say that he believed her, but at the same time, he also did not assume that she was the culprit right at the start like the Butler had.

He was giving her a chance to prove her innocence.


Nian Xiaomu frowned as she looked up at the CCTVs surrounding the Villa.

If her instincts were right, Yu Yuehan would never spy on Xiao Liuliu like a criminal since he loved his Daughter so dearly.

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