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The afternoon concert came to an end and the three friends, Ivy, Booker, and Neil were at the Chill Grill.

"That concert was dope." Booker said as he drinks out of his cup. "Yeah, it was!" Neil came into the chill grill. "Hey, Neil. Where'd you go?" Booker asked. "I was in the parking lot, selling these bad boys." Neil says as he showed off his shirt that had "San Franciscochella." printed on it.

"Did people actually buy those?" Booker asked.

"Well, one person did." Neil tilted his head. "Not gonna lie, The name grows on you." Ivy says as she opens up her jacket show her shirt she brought from Neil. "So, did you get to hang out with Cami?" Neil asked. "Barely. She had to leave." Booker shrugged. "I mean, it's cool. At least we got to hang out!" Booker stated to his friends; "You guys make San Francisco fun!".

"I kinda wish I wasn't leaving tomorrow." He sighed. "Why don't you stay?" Neil asks. "Oh, Neil. I can' stay." Booker scoffs.

With raised eyebrows booker questions the topic; "Wait, can I stay?".

"Why not? I know Alice and your grandfather really like having you around!" Ivy mentioned with a soft smile. "-Yeah, and you can go to school with us." Neil says. "Mmhm" Ivy nods. "I guess I could keep helping my mom out, but I can't just leave my whole life in-" Booker watched as Camilla and Dahlia walked in; "...Chicago.".

"Hey, New kid." Cami smiled.

"Hey, Book." Dahlia waves before she and Cami went up to order their food.

Booker had a vision.

Booker's Vision:

[Camilla] "I'm really glad that you brought me to this dance, Booker!".

She smiled.

"I gotta go!" Booker left in a hurry.

"Yeah, I just--I just feel like you're the only one in this housewho truly understands how I feel

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"Yeah, I just--I just feel like you're the only one in this house
who truly understands how I feel." Raven said. She was talking to booker's hockey stick. "Did you tell Booker you want him to stay?" Victor asked as he makes his way into the living room. "What do you think?" Raven questions. "I'm talking to a hockey stick".

"I guess I just have to accept the fact that he's going back to Chicago." Raven sighed.

The door opens and Booker rushed in.

"Mom, I thought about it and I want to stay here in San Francisco!" Booker announced.

"Yes! I knew it!" Raven yelled, happily. "Nia's got her own thing going on in Chicago. And I've made friends here. I have my best friend back, and- and I like helping out!" Booker rambled. "And I would miss you." Booker says to Raven.

"I mean, yea-yeah. If that's what you want." Raven tried to play it cool that she wasn't beyond happy that her son wanted to stay with her.

"I do. I really do." Booker smiled.

"Yes!" Raven laughs.

"This makes me so happy!" Raven hugs her son; "Okay, I'm gonna unpack your bags right now!".

"Okay?" Booker chuckles. Raven leaves the room and Booker sat down on the couch with a sigh. "You met a girl, didn't you?" His granddad asked as he looks away from his newspaper. Booker scoffs; "No...".

"I met the girl." He smiled to himself before pulling out his phone.

𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞; 𝑩.𝒃𝒂𝒙𝒕𝒆𝒓-𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓 Where stories live. Discover now