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Walking to her classroom, Raven hears Principal Rivera's voice.

"You told me you could handle this," Alana's voice echoed; "-this, this, this.".

"Will you stop doing that?" Raven asked as Alana walked up to her.

"-But it's fun, fun, fun, fun!" Alana joked as she did a little dance."Okay, Alana. Okay, all right?" Raven gave in; "Maybe you were right!". "Maybe I can't handle it" Raven admits. "Are you giving up?" Alana asked her arch nemesis. "What happened to the fiery Raven
Baxter that used to walk these halls?" She asked, motioning to the hallway they were in.

"She could take something wack and turn it into something...well, I'd still think was wack, but other people seemed to like for some reason." Alana stated.

"I was just trying to be a good teacher" Raven says. "I didn't hire a good teacher. I hired you," Alana scoffs; "So get in there and do what you do". Alana raised her eyebrows before walking off. "Yeah, I'ma do what I do. I'ma do-- l'ma do what I do" Raven glanced at the machine that the Paint Men seem to had left behind.

"Oh, 'bout to go old-school in my old school. Yes!" Raven laughs as she rolls the cart into the art room.

"What are we looking for again?" Ivy asked

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"What are we looking for again?" Ivy asked.

"If I knew, I wouldn't be looking for it." Booker comments. "Wow, that's deep." Neil says. "If Alice really did set up a prank, it'd be something high-tech, right?" Ivy suggested. "Right. Wait, like how she rigged my chair!" Booker gasped as he noticed Liam about to sit on a stool.

"Heh-heh-hey- hey! Sorry, bro."Booker moves the stool; "I can't let you sit there".

Booker sat on the stool himself, preparing for the prank that Alice set up. "Are-- are you mental?" Liam questions. "Booker, why are you acting like this?" Camilla asked. "Oh, I was just, uh, trying to make sure this chair was all safe for my bro here." Booker answered with a chuckle. "What is your deal?" Liam asked. "Are you having a go at me 'cause l'm the new kid?".

"No, man. It's not like that—" Booker sighed. "I must politely request that you keep your distance." Liam huffs, frustrated. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lose my temper" Liam apologized. "Who's ready for some art?" Raven came in the room, happily. The whole class groans. "No-groan zone!" Raven stated.

"Now, I know the last couple of days have been boring, but that's because I've been following someone else's lesson plan, okay?" Raven explains.

"So guess what?" She questioned.

"Today we're doing it Raven's way...Art is spontaneous," Raven says; "It's about breaking the rules in order to leave your mark.".

"It's about expressing yourself. even if things get a little messy" Raven said as she removes posters off the wall. "This entire wall is your canvas, okay?" Raven smiles. "I don't care what you do as long as it's authentically you!" She said. "Oh! I forgot the smocks." The woman chuckled.

"I don't want you to get paint all over your clothes or me" She says before leaving the room.

Booker moves over to his friends and points towards Liam; "Alice would know he'd go for that box!".

"Nope- no- sorry bruh!" Booker went up to take Liam's box away from him. "-Oh. Hey, that clearly has my name on it" Liam takes the box away from booker. "Look, man. I can't let you have this box!" Booker replied as they both tussled over the box. "Why're you doing this?" Liam questioned, confused as ever.

"It's for your own good!" Booker stated. "Just leave me alone!" Liam huffs as the paint sprayer beside pressure builds up. "I can't—" Booker accidentally hit the machine and red paints splats on them and the wall. "I love art class!" Ivy laughs as Raven walks in. "Aw, thank you" Raven smiles before she notices the incident that happened between the boys.

"What happened here?" She asked. "I- I can explain!" Booker says to his mom. "I really wish you would" Liam says. "But, see, this is what I'm talking about" Raven says to the class. "It is- It's simple yet elegant." She said. "It's two new kids coming together to show the power of friendship" Raven says.

"Yeah- yeah, that's what we were going for!" Booker chuckled and nudged Liam.

"Exactly!" Liam says.

"Come on, you guys. Get in there!" Raven says as she hands out smocks. "—But don't forget to put your smocks on. You don't wanna end up like these two!" She jokes. "-Hey, man. I'm sorry I was acting kinda" Booker got cut off. "Daft? Batty? Like a nutter?" Liam questions.

"I was just jealous that you're the new kid, and things got a little out of hand." Booker admits.

"Think nothing of it, mate!" Liam chuckled; "We have pranks in England too".

"Once a chum asked me for a Midland trifle, but I gave him a Manchester tart" the England boy said. "Boy, did I get scolded" He chuckled. "Can we start over, mate?" Liam asked. "Sure thing, bro" Booker says as he goes for a fist bump but Liam shakes his fist. "We gon' work on that" Booker chuckles and pats his shoulder.

Liam nods before walking off.

Neil walks up to booker and grabs his attention; "Hey".

"There's always gonna be another new kid, but there's only one Booker." Neil stated. "Thanks, Neil." Booker says before they did their hand shake. "Hey, looking good, Books." Cami says as she wiped her brush on his paint covered shirt. She walks off and Booker chuckles, nervously.

"Who wants to be Booker?" Booker scoffs and he bounced up and down; "I'm books!".

Booker went in for a hug but Neil backs up.

"Nah..." Neil shook his head.

𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞; 𝑩.𝒃𝒂𝒙𝒕𝒆𝒓-𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓 Where stories live. Discover now