WTF!! Gotham knight has a smol partner?!?!

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Welcome to my 30 day writing challenge. Everyday through the month of November will be a different batfam centric one shot. I hope you enjoy!!

Clark can count on one hand the amount of times he'd been completely shocked by something. Being an alien and a reporter from a large city made it difficult to just floor him with information.

That being said, the information on a blog post with about twenty people following, had the man of steel at a complete loss for words.

WTF!! Gotham knight has a smol partner?!?!

'WTF' did feel appropriate. Clark had originally been suspicious of the credibility of this source. Baywatchers were all over the place in Gotham, trying to get a glimpse of the infamous Batman. A batwatcher blog forum with a following in double digits and a clickbait title wasn't usually something that he took seriously. The rabbit hole he fell into however changed that.

The blog post had only been the start. He'd found it about a week after it had been posted. Since then it had been blasted all over social media, long forums of the bluriest images imaginable of this 'smol partner'. No one had been able to get a good shot yet. Clark equal parts hoped they got one and didn't all at once.

First he thought it had been some eager kid that had managed to follow Batman around for a few blocks. Sometimes he got stuck but Batman has always been good about keeping people out his way so that they wouldn't get caught in any cross fire. Something Clark admired. Then the posts began to span over longer periods of time. He'd hoped that this kid was simply more enthusiastic than most, it wasn't the first kid attempting to help Batman. Hell Clark had his share of small children clamoring to help in any way they were able. He just had to trust Bruce wasn't letting it get too far.

Of course that's when a half decent image finally appeared.

It was still extremely poor quality. All that could really be made out is a small person in red, green, and yellow using some guy's chest as a springboard. But that's not what finally got Clark to decide that this needed to be addressed.

Clark will admit to using his powers to... snoop, from time to time. He justified it as worrying about his friend and also wanted to avoid any major blowouts with the semi-new Justice League. It'd only been around for about a year and while they all trusted each other it was mostly tentative. One small slip up and it would all be gone. This kid had weapons. One of them had been retrieved by the GCPD.

He knew that they had a box of Batman's nameless weapons that he threw at people. This wasn't that. Batman's were bat shaped and much larger, what Clark had retrieved from evidence was meant for a child's hands. Small, red, and bird shaped.

They couldn't just be made by anyone. He was no expert in how Bruce manufactured his weapons but he could recognize the artistry immediately. These had been made by him, for some small child.

It was the final nail in the coffin.

Bruce counted on the idea that his actions wouldn't be questioned, especially if no one else was involved. Clark couldn't let that slide this time. This was too important.

So he stole the evidence (with the plan to put it back after his confrontation with Bruce) and went to the source to get to the bottom of what had started as some innocent baywatcher forum.

Clark came early in the morning. He knew Bruce was awake, he'd made sure beforehand.

Alfred had let him in and offered coffee instead of the usual tea and biscuits due to the early hour and had him wait in the dining room for Bruce to make an appearance.

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