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*Lucia's POV*

Dear, Stupid journal I write in when I'm bored or annoyed:
I've here for been 3 weeks or more I don't know any more but I don't know what to say about her, all I know is she's something and she's beautiful, smart, rudely funny and guesses I'm into the crazy-distance type.

I think she might be the one, I guess there is a such thing as the "one".
Also, she has a beautiful body but I noticed she has a lot of Bruises, cuts, and burns.
Wait I just realized that sounded like I'm not a pervert I promise, she just asked me to see which outfit would look good on her for the day, she was the one who suggested that I come in with her while she was putting new outfits on.

Also, Why am I apologizing to a notebook, that's very stupid.

*Amelia's POV*

Dear Dairy:

She's been here for 3 weeks or more, I'm not sure anymore, but I don't know what to say about her, all I know is she's something and.. she's kind, cute, Stupidly funny and guesses I'm into the flirty badass type.

I think she might be the one, I guess there Is such a thing as the "one".
Also, she is adorable when she sleeps but I noticed that she cries when she sleeps.
Wait I just realized that sounded weird I'm not a stalker I promise, she was the one who decided to sleep in my room for weeks on the floor and it's kinda hard not to look at her when she's sleeping because she makes noises, cute noises at that.

Also, Why am I apologizing to a notebook, that's so stupid.

*Nobody's POV*

They both stopped writing when they heard a sound coming from the upstairs bathroom, Lucia got up off the floor to see what was the Commotion outside, and when she looked out the door she saw a person with a black mask on with a knife.

Lucia Immediately shut the door Thankfully the robber didn't hear that Amelia looked at her with confusion and annoyance and Lucia just look back at her with also annoyance.

"What's out there, Dumbass robber" Amelia

"Yep, how'd you know" Lucia

"We get these robbers here and there when my mom and siblings are on a trip and they leave me here" Amelia

"Good to know" Lucia responded rolling her eyes

Lucia grabbed a gun and knife out of her hoodie pocket and tossed them to Amelia she confidently looked at her,

"Wait why do have these in your pocket" Amelia

"Self-defense, dumbass" Lucia

"Oh, wait don't call me a dumbass" Amelia

"Too late" Lucia

Lucia grabbed her red bat tightly in her hand, walked towards the door, and carefully turned the handle of the door, when Lucia looked out the door she felt a hand touching her waist.

She jumped and then turned around to see Amelia looking out the door not noticing her hand on Lucia's waist at all, she blushed slightly then she heard footsteps coming near the door.

Lucia waited for a few minutes then she jumped out and hit the person with all black on, he fell to the ground but got up moments after, she was about to swing again but he moved to dodge the bat.

He thought he was safe but Amelia held the gun up and shot him in the right shoulder, he once again fell to the ground this time with blood running from his shoulder to the ground.

"Should we call the cops" Lucia

"I mean It would be the right choice but then again what's the fun in that, I suggest we burn the body and then bury the bones" Amelia spoke and Lucia Immediately nodded

*After That... Plan.* I'm lazy

Lucia sat in the guest room she was staying in, she thought about Amelia and how she was so interesting, scary, beautiful, and impressive.

Amelia sat in her room all alone, she thought about Lucia and how she was so cute, funny, interesting, and stupid.

They both got up and then walked to the door opening it, they opened the door at the same time, and they bumped into each other Lucia falling on Amelia.

Lucia looked down at Amelia blushing hard and Amelia looked up at Lucia blushing hard as well.

Amelia sat up on her elbows looking into Lucia's eyes, Amelia put her hand on Lucia's cheek caressing it with her thumb.

Lucia looked away and got up off of Amelia putting her hand out to help her up, Amelia looked away as well and grabbed Lucia's hand to help her up off of the floor.

"Sorry I wasn't looking" Lucia

"Yeah me neither" Amelia fake smiled

Lucia walked back to her room and shut the door quietly while Amelia ran into her room slamming the door behind her, she walk to her bed and lay on it looking up at the ceiling.

Amelia started to feel her eyes get wet and then tears fell out from the sides of her eyes.

Lucia walk over to the bed and lay on it looking up at the ceiling, she then felt her eyes get wet then tears started to come out of the corners of her eyes.

They turned themselves around both looking at the door and said,

"Why do I mess things up, all the fucking time" both

Amelia was looking at the door when she noticed a purple notebook labeled, "Lucia's notebook" she read, Amelia, got up, and grabbed it when she did she opened it and 1 page stood out to her the most.

When she read it she was surprised at it.

950 words

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