Chapter 3: mono?

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"Mono I want an answer...that's all I want....why did you do it!?" She repeated hoping to just get it and leave although she had a feeling he couldn't answer, she just wanted a little reason to satisfy her question, Mono looked down and a drop of water fell to the floor, seven noticed first the bag on his head moved slightly but anuff to see, thats when Six noticed the claws look like a animals but she has never seen a person with them she at first just thought it was the tower but why would the tower give him something he had to begin with, she thought about the time he had saved her from the bullys....he cut the rope with something sharp, something he quickly retracted when the rope was cut to help her.

Mono quickly went back inside his 'home' and pulled his book out and looked at the piture marking where he is in the pages, Six and Seven looked at what they could see from behind, they pushed past his coat and only saw the front covers picture which was of a human with a wild dog behind them, then a giant one behind that one, but before they could read the title Mono put the book back in his pocket faced in so they couldn't read it's name and moved father in the area's shadow hiding the back of it and looking away, he was leaking tears but not one Fell to the ground.

Seven was the first to talk "hi Seven..." he said quietly as he walked past Six and moved infront of Mono far anuff to make his feel comfortable but close anuff to have him hear his words, "was that a story book..?" Mono shakes his head "so its not a story?" He nods slowly after a few seconds of consideration then shrugs his shoulder, "but its a it a book about survival?" Mono shakes his head "math? A Education book?" Again a shake of the head but has a little maybe shrug at the end "so it isn't any normal Education book?" This nod makes Seven question what the book is about, Six just stears at his pocket trying to see what's it's back says before she remembered...

... she can't read...

"Is it a family book, Mono?" Six asks as she sees a bit of the piture but because it has alot of dirt making it she can only see alittle bit of mono piggy backing a girl that looks like him just her eyes are blue, Mono then feels the room send a wave of static casing Six and Seven to fall from the mass amount of it, Mono quickly moves away from them as his mask bag moves and coat forcefully move around he then starts clawing the ground as a means to stop himself from clawing someone, but it is all in vain as he starts losing control to the tower, the tower sends another wave controlling his body and makes him launch at Six and Seven.

Six and Seven hide in the fallen log as Mono slowly moves around before crawling into a ball in his favourite corner forcing himself to sleep knowing if he was fully awake he would kill the two, "did this happen to you?!" Seven asks quietly " just made the room go from wall to flash with eyes.....I think...." she answered slowly wondering if it was different for Mono then her, "maybe its how the tower gets control of him....I read in the Maw's library that static isn't good for the brain in large waves....and that was more then one big wave of it" "......" Six looks at the sleeping giant as she realised that by sleeping Mono left his book out in the open.

She slowly moves to his pocket and drags it out slowly and carefully as to not wake the owner, she drags it a few mono size feet away and gets Seven to help flip it over to see the front of the book, "the first werewolf, the Ultima?" Said Seven as six can't read it, "what's an Ultima?" She looks at Seven flipping the front to the first page, "The ultima's origin, The Ultima started as a man. He loved his wife so much that he would do anything for her. They were happy together, until one fateful day, when she fell deadly ill," Six looked at the pages then back to Seven who continued to read the following, " The man was crushed, he could not live without her, so he made a deal with a demon," Six heard something and looked around but saw nothing and went back to seven who also looked around the tower then back to the book.

"The deal was on the day of the blood moon, the demon would bring her back, but his end of the deal was that he was to sacrifice a living creature," just then they felt the presence of something big behind then but they didn't bother looking behind as they reached the next sentence, which answered the question of Seven, " The man chose a wolf. The god of wolves found out about this. Furious, he cursed the man," "what's a god Seven?" "A god is holy or Religious beings with more powerfull powers not like the lady, the thin man or the tower itself nobody has ever really seen a god and I say god as in one because there are multiple of then some for just the smallest thing," the figure behind then makes a big loud humming sound, but Seven just continues to read, Six looks at the shinny water fall's rushing water, seeing a giant relaxed but almost sad, Mono looking at them.

"Anyway continuing, he cursed the man to not walk human nor wolf but as a monster, half human and half wolf. When he went home he was chased out and from then on, walked alone," "why would they do that?!? if i met a half wolf person i would have followed him just to feel there ears and tail" Six then heard another noise behind her as a long hand moved to the next page as large drops were heard from behind, but again they didn't dare look behind, Seven looked at the words before reading them out to Six, "He was so lonely that he wandered back to the village. Then he realized his curse was not what he had become, it was the ability to turn people in to half human and half wolf......see on page 4 about the curse's power....."

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