Chapter 3: the cursed's powers and abilities....

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"See on page 4, the curse's powers..." seven flipped the books page again, "page 3....Driven by loneliness, he turned the whole village. This was the first pack and he was there leader, a monster controlling them with fear. Then from there....the first Ultima was born, the family from then onwards would be cursed with the hated and full on powerfull abilities of the ultimas curse..."Six looks at how close they were to the dirty and bearly see able piture there, only a few pages and it was on the second to last one, "so they were hated for there powers....I mean I can relate to this nearly everyone hated me for mine.."

Mono moved the page again to page 4 as more tears fell to the ground, "page 4 the curse abilities...A look into an Ultima's red eyes or a bite from an Ultima's exposed fangs will end up turning the victim into a werewolf," Seven and Six looked at the piture of wild blood red eyes "While a bite is not known to kill, the eyes are almost guaranteed fatal, Either way" Six looked at the page of multiple dead people she asked one question "why was it so fatal?" Why Seven just read on "the transformation is extremely slow and painful. The bite itself is known to cause unbearable pain to the entire body once the fangs sink into the skin," showing a blurred person screening from pain and as they look down it shows a number of little pictures of the process, first the eyes or the second option a bite, next a person in pain and suffering, after a person with bones bracking then next to that one reassembling, finally a full on set of ears and a tail on the person as the line leads two ways death and rebirth...

"So you had to be strong and brave to bare the pain to live.. what are the symptoms? you told me last week that you get symptoms when things happen to your body" Seven flips the page and reads the following "The effects of seeing the untamed eyes are far worse, however. If one manages to survive, they will first collapse onto the ground and then scream in agony as their entire body has a seizure," a shuffle sound can be heard behind them as they see in the corner of there eyes, Mono's bag mask, they don't dare look at his face but Six noticed his claws are gone as seven looked as the pitures around the page, "so you need to be really ready and capable of handling that much pain..." Seven looked at the next words as Six listens closely, "The pain felt throughout the transformation is far worse than that from a bite as it requires medical attention and extreme pain killers for the body to barely stabilize itself, a person's strength can help increase the chances of living, but barely.."

"Though the process is painfully turning into one, its bearly noticeable When an Ultima turns a werewolf into a human, the transformation is seemingly instant and painless" mono quickly moves away as Seven flips the page and Six looks just in time to see his coat move inside the shadowy area, "the ultimas has four known forms, with or without there red eyes, Like regular werewolves, the Ultima has a human-like form and one with their ears and tail exposed," Six looks at Mono's paper bag and then back to Seven who seems to be waiting for an respond "so they can hid in plane site right under there noses" Seven nods then goes back to the book reading the next line "However, Ultimas can turn more wolf-like in appearance. The first Ultima had a form that resembled a classic lycanthrope, wolf man... basically a wolf that walks like a man" Six then looks at the dirty picture which is just five pages away.

"....Hay.....Six listen to this, The most feral form of an Ultima resembles a giant wolf with no signs of human features or even the ability to talk. Their eyes are always red in this form, that description matches the giant wolf on the front of the book!" Six looks back and forth to all the transformations then back to the human form and then flips the page waiting for seven to continue reading, "only the first born son of the ultima blood line get the curse it doesn't mater if they haved a daughter first if this does happen they will get the book of ' the blue eyes wolf, the female royal blood line,' The daughter is most definitely going to be born with Blue eyes if this happens" Seven and Six then take closer look at the pitures and notice that the girl Mono is piggybacking has blue eyes.

"Only the ultima blood line can have these books to remind themselves that it wasn't there fault they got the curse, i send my all to whoever has this book I believe you will learn to live with it good luck and always remember its not your fault...." Six imminently flipped the page, Seven read the names out loud noticing it was a family tree and on the second to last page he read up to Mono's mother's and father's name stopping when he finished reading out the name "luna fall lycan........." Seven stood shocked as he took a good few seconds to answer the last name "M..M-Mono l-lone l-lycan..." Six looked at the pitures after dusting it off seeing four people Mono with wolf ears and tail piggy backing a girl that looked just like him with her own wolf fractures but a weird combination of ocean blue upper and sky blue lower eyes, then two others a girl and a boy holding hand, she then held up the picture with the help of Seven seeing that the walled of area was the same place in the photograph.

(All ultima lore and history is from aphmau) ill add my piture of me in the next chapter at the very top

Bye enjoy your day

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