Chapter 4: exit

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(Piture up the top is luna, mono's big sister in my story)

Mono sits in his shadowing room, sobbing as he remembers why he hid his face to begin with, he knew nobody has seen an ultima in years, keeping to the pack away from the people, he knew the minute somebody found out and spread the word it would make everyone around him other scared or angry at him or worse, hunt his family. he curls into a ball and cried as he knows they'll hate him, he hears a paper rip into pieces and screamed as he turns back into a child but with his ears and tail out.

He then feels the room shake and a loud thud outside, he turns around and sees six run in and grab his hand then she runs back out with him, Seven being close behind cradling something out of view, the room turns to eyes and cases after them, being dragged half way out Mono then stops and tries to run back in, Six stopping him as Seven passes something to six and drags mono and runs with six beside them. "NO LET ME GO I NEED TO GO BACK!!!!" Mono weakly pushed Seven, failing badly from lack of strength "No were getting out of here" Six answers.

As mono gives up and runs with them, they run to the exit, shooting out a TV turning it off behind them,  six letting go of the thing that was out of monos view, she moves to go and hold Mono as Seven walks and grabs whatever was dropped and back to them, mono didn't realy care about the piture but the book he cries over as he lowers his ears and curls his tail around him, huging his legs, Six looks at him taking in the new look mono has with his ears and tail, she moves a hand slowly petting mono to calm him down being successfull in doing so alittle, Seven moves to the other side of Mono and hands him something, "here i managed to grab it for you when six ran to grab you."

 handing him the book he had at the beginning of the fall.

He grabs it and hugs it securely "T-thank for saving it" he happily said as Seven then replied "It was nothing, I know family comes first and that book was written persicifly for you and the rest of your future family" mono yawns and lazily lays on Six gently as she continues to pet him, mono fell asleep curled up on her lap Hugging the book close, Six looks at him and looks around for anything to use as a hiding place, out of site from any viewer on the couch or floor, finding a old mouse hole she gently moves mono with the help of Seven into the surprisingly large hiding spot. Six crawls back out after mono is inside with seven and grasping a 'small' portion but large bit of cloth from the couch's outer side that seems to have been cut or ripped off.

"We'll be warmer with this..." she manages to get it in and since it had practically only dark colours on, it was basically invisible inside the walls, blocking the entrance making it look like it was never there. Seven moves to one side and six lays mono back on her lap petting him again as his tail starts waging slightly but noticeably.

Mono was the first to fall asleep, then it was Seven after a few minutes which leaves six who stayed fully awake, she looks at seven who was taking up all the room on his side of this hiding spot, she looked back at mono who was sleeping peacefully no longer having a death grip on the book he so carefully looked after, she carefully took the book out of his hold again and looked at the pages. She turned the pages looking for the part where it explained the forms they had.

Once she founded it her eyes keeped moving from mono and the pitures, her thoughts were wondering what he wound look like in the three last forms, she only just could imagine him in his mini and large wolf forms but she was having trouble imaging him as a lycanthrope she thought back to what Seven said about this form


"Ultimas can turn into a more wolf-like in appearance. The first Ultima had a form that resembled a classic lycanthrope, wolf man... basically a wolf that walks like a man"

◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇end of flashback.♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇♡◇

Once she got a discretion she piece together what she could and a few ideas of what he would look like were swimming around but some areas were still a missing part, she wondered if he ever used the forms when he was with her, she can't remember a single time they were really separated on their adventures, but then she remembers the times he left for a few quick seconds to other get something from a room and bring it with them or to drop it off.

Mono moves his tail as he turns to face six in his sleep who has moved him to the right of her when Seven fell asleep, his ears twitched and he quickly wakes up as a viewer comes into the room furious that his TV was turned off, Seven hears the TV turn back on and wakes up, the three small children peek out from there hiding spot after moving abit of the cloth and watch as the viewer calms down now that his TV was turned back on, they couldn't tell if it was daytime so they go back inside their spot.

Seven asked an important question very quietly incase the viewer could or would hears him, 'what the next step?'

Seven looked as mono looked around, his ears twitched and faced the door to the kitchen where the door was he then moved his head to a clock that his ears were picking up, it seemed to be coming from above them...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2023 ⏰

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