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A/N: Hey all! I just want to check, did you receive the notification that Chapter 14 has been published as well? If not, don't miss out on Chapter 14, as it introduces Antonio Moss to the story.

Enjoy the new chapter!

Warning: Mild spice coming up. Marked with *** where it begins and ends.

Armando's thoughts burdened him well into the late hours of day – or was it night? Sometimes, regardless of how long they've been here, even he loses track of time. The bottom of the ship is so dark, it might as well be eternal night there.

Lesaro left to join the crew on the deck hours ago, leaving the Capitán to his thinking. If it was three weeks ago, Armando's thoughts would be filled with every outcome of Jack Sparrow's death, the several ways he can kill the pirate to end his eternal demise.

But in the Lieutenant's absence, the Capitán found his head running wild with images of Samira. And in a moment of weakness, he allowed himself to indulge in his fantasies some more.

He thinks of the future outside the Triangle. There is an estate atop a hill overlooking the vast waters of Spain. Samira awaits him at the entrance, dressed in sapphire blue and hair moving in the breeze. She smiles at him and invites him into her arms.

The fantasy escalates and they are on a ship, a version of the Silent Mary before the curse. She commands the wind to fill their sails and the current to steer them towards the horizon. He's unable to tear his eyes off her. She is in her element, glowing in the mid-morning sun and from the saltwater spray sticking to her cheeks. In a moment of weakness, he has her in his arms and carries her to the great cabin, fully intended to worship her in the privacy of their bedroom.

When he blinks, he is back at their estate, sitting at a desk and writing letters. The door opens and Samira waltzes in. Armando is shocked when two little boys follow her in, chasing each other with wooden swords and using her skirt to hide behind. And when he regards her again, he finds her belly swollen, on the verge of bursting at any given time. He did not know it was possible for her to glow even more, but there she is, outshining the candles and sunlight leaking through the curtains.

Armando is shaken back to reality and frantically looks about, deeply disappointed to find he's back in the carcass of the Mary, dead, and cursed. If his heart was alive, it'd ache at the absence of the dream and, to be honest, he swears he feels it weighing down in his chest.

No, he decides determinedly, he must not lose hope. He can have everything he desires and more as soon as he rids them all of this curse. He can provide Samira with the life she deserves, a life filled with luxury and safety. She will never run from guards ever again; he'll make sure of that. She would have everything her heart desires, even the stars if she wished. He will give her everything and more until the end of his days.

Unexpectedly, Armando is struck with the sudden urge to see her. He hasn't checked in on her yet today, neither yesterday as he was too consumed with his fantasies, he feared he would mistake her for what he sees in his daydreams. But now, he desperately needs to feel whatever effect she has on him.

Deciding what he must do, he begins his trek to the main deck, limping faster than usual. The main deck is mostly deserted as he climbs the steps to the great cabin before entering the room...only to stop in front of the door. The last time he entered without invitation, he saw her ankles. Although not opposed to seeing them again, he instead lifts his hand and deliver four knocks to the wood.

He hardly finished knocking when the door swung open. There stands Samira, hair neatly draped over one shoulder, and hand holding the bodice of her dress to her chest. She looks radiant in the ocean blue that matches her eyes so splendidly.

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