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Wind blowing strong,rain pounders heavily. She climbed into the bed with frustration simmering heart.

Second night of their marriage..!

What could Arnav hope to achieve from such a sham marriage..?

Shantivan is slumbering . Rattling rain or speedy wind doesn't disturbed their normalcy. She had even wondered if her foster family still remember her.

Khushi snuggled more into comforter, leaning on the edge of bed, with a low growling her bedmate expressed his distress.
Arnav stretched his long powerful body into a indolent attitude of relaxation.

" Stop twisting .."

He growled thin. His voice sent shiver down her spine . Khushi calmly removed comforter,opening eyes she saw black, electricity was still out, generator has some technical glitches,so there's no power.

Oh my goodness..'

She tried to supress her edgy feelings,if this rate rain continues ,then it's going to be another flood..!

Then what will her family do..? What a brutal climate is this ..? Unannounced rain and unexpected speedy wind.

all chaotic..!

She had getting chills in bone. Wearing yesterday's dress, was grave uncomfortable to her, but fortunately she found her Sangeet day's dress bag,so she put her green saree rather than Anjali Jha's used clothes.

But the thing is that this saree is so thin and transparent. coldness spreading

" If you can't sleep as normal human being then get out.."

He again gritted ,no surprise Arnav Singh Raizada priorities his comfort. Arnav was forced to invite her inside because this wretched rain.

Otherwise poolside was her sleeping pad.

She was treated as a criminal. Both by Arnav and family. If Raizada family had had any feelings for her, yesterday night everything was murdered for good. All squashy soft warmth abruptly ended, now only anger and disappoint stands.

" Stay still. damn it.."

As he groaned as Khushi scrambled out of bed, She want no arguments. Let someone sleeps. Let Arnav Singh Raizada sleep hustle free.

Temperature is dangerously dipping ,so did the thickness of night. Arnav felt emptiness near him. He searched , she went out.

" Where the hell are you damn it?"

He said bit out, Khushi was sitting by the rug floor. She said nothing a sob rattled in her chest . theres no need to answer him. She curled up against the wall.

Only second day of their marriage. However he wasn't planned this,he opened his eyes, pitch black night along with unstoppable rain, he's in very bad mood, Khushi Gupta is eating his sane brain.

He opened his mobile phone and it brings a ray of light.

" Stop giving attitude Khushi"

Arnav shot back in explosive temper. Khushi is playing games. She simply know how to trigger him. He doesn't asked her to get out of the bed, but the girl..!
She is incredible, truly incredible to push his wrong buttons.

" I am not sleepy.. don't bother me"

She replied in small voice. She was not an expert like Arnav, she never slept with a man, had no experience of sleeping with some stranger , she wasn't remotely imagined this marriage or sharing bed with Arnav.

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