Conditioning aka Torture

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"Babe?" I groan and turn over to see him looking at me "What is it Jake?" If ya can't tell, I ain't in the mood and this kid won't let me sleep. "Its time to get up. I'm sorry, I know you're tired" There is no possible way thats its time to get up--11:00!!!! "Ugh! Why did you let me sleep this long?" Slowly but surely, I got up and made my way over to my bag. I made sure everything was in there I needed for conditioning at 3:30.

"Okay, I can't do much of anything so I don't get wore out before conditioning." I sat down on the edge of the bed and scrolled through Facebook on my phone. Eventually, I couldn't stand it anymore. I fell onto back and just laid there. "Don't you even think about it young lady" I sat back up before I fell asleep. "Alright daddy. Love you" I dismissively waved as he walked out. "Why does he make me do this?" I rhetorically asked myself. "Cuz he can" Captain remarked. "Don't get smart with me, boy" I warned giving him a look saying 'I ain't in the mood'. He put his hands in the air and surrendered.

I moved up the bed and laid beside him. "I'm sorry, I'm just really tired" I kissed his cheek and laid back down to play on my phone. He soon joined me "You don't have anything to apologize for, if anyone does its me. I was being..." He trailed off but I finished for him "Just plain rude." I smiled and he gave me a playfully glare before attaching our lips together.

"I love you" He mumbled into the kiss as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I soon pulled away "I love you too." He went for another kiss but I dodged it making him confused "Whats wrong?" I flicked my head toward the clock which read 2:00. "I would love to continue but I gotta get ready" I sultrily winked at him and walked in front of my mirror. "I hate soccer now" I heard him mumble under his breath lowly hoping I wouldn't hear.

I stopped what I was doing and looked at him "What did you just say?" He seemed startled by my question and I could tell that he was inwardly slapping himself. "Uhh nothing" He looked away not being able to meet my eyes. "I know everyone has opinions, and I respect that but hate the player not the game" I sent him a glare before continuing "Ohh and if you dare call me a grass pixie or a grass fairy, you won't live to see another minute."

Knowing that I won this battle, I turned back around and continued to get ready. I couldn't help but ask myself 'was that too harsh' but then again, he had it coming for him. My phone soon alerted me it was 3 so I took one last look at myself before grabbing my bag and leaving. I live about 5 minutes away from school so I got there about 25 minutes early.

I walked in to see Candi with her back towards me. 'Perfect opportunity' I thought before running up to her and hugging her. She jumped outta her skin "You scared the livin daylights outta me." She turned around and hugged me. "I'm sorry Candi" I pouted like a little kid making her laugh. "Okay can you go get the indoor balls?" She asked handing me the keys to her car. "They are in the trunk, thanks Britt" She called but I was already out the door in the rain. I grabbed them and ran back in, I was soaking wet but oh well I'll dry. I'm just glad we're inside today.

The girls soon arrived and we started stretches but not before being informed bout it "CIRCLE UP LADIES!!" We all counted aloud and did all the possible stretches that came to mind. "Okay girls, 5 laps" Candi instructed and we automatically started. Neither Say or Laine could make it, so I ran with Joscelyn. We finished in about a minute or two and took a quick water break. "I need three groups of 5" Candi commanded after she counted us all... Time for stations.

We later learned all the specific things and Candi started the timer. "2 minutes girls" I encouraged my group which was assigned chairs/squats first. My thighs were starting to burn and where I wrapped my ankle too tight, I was losing all feeling in my foot. "30 seconds" Candi warned which meant we would soon switch to crunches. "SWITCH LADIES!!" At that, we got up and walked over to the next spot.

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