It's go time

22 1 1

•••Britt's POV•••

It has been a week since Alex was taken out. Let me tell you, it has not been a short nor a relaxing week. We have done nothing but get everything ready for action. With Say and Austin trained, we had to stock up on ammunition and of course, get them their own protection.

Both needed hand guns but could not have just any at random. After an hour of looking and testing, Captain and I decided that it would be best if they were equipped with Taurus 86 38 Specials. These were quite small but carried an impact of the unbelievable for their size.

After 3 days of 12 hour classes, Captain, Say, Austin, and the rest of the gang were now able to carry their weapons anywhere legally. With three different cops knowing our plan and willing to help, the chances of us going to jail for what was about to go down was one in a million.

In just mere minutes, everything will change. At about 9 this morning, Drew was released unexpectedly from jail and we have already received notice on his plan to take us out at 6 tonight. This being all part of our plan, him along with his gang and their weapons, have been scoped out and tracked.

There will be no surprises this time, for us anyways. All the tracers have given us the information that we need and have allowed us to have a foolproof plan sketched out.

Tracer Update:

4496811- Everything is set and ready

4497813- Great. Everyone ready?

4496811- Early ambush ready.

4493342- Backup Squadron 1 ready.

4492234- Backup Squadron 2 ready.

4497813- Mission go in 10. They will not know what hit them.

Everyone had stopped in their tracks to listen to the alert. Drew had called for an early attack. We were ready but were not expecting it to be this early in the day. To our advantage, they had not set up any new material. This had occur once before and we were more ready than ever.

Tracker Update: Surrounded

Five in front lawn

Three on left side

Three on right side

Five in back yard

One watcher in every frontline tree

It was five minutes till show time. The opposing force had taken position and had us surrounded. What they have yet to figure out is that we know their plan and have insight on where they all are. There seems to be about 32 of them but we got the upper hand.

Only 16 of them have the ability to fight but we have 4 sets +1. Set 1 has six police dogs with two police men. Set 2 has 20 members armed with two guns each. Set 3 has 20 members having grenades in their possession. At last, Set 4 has 16 members all ranking the highest in martial arts to take on the ones fighting without weapons.

Our +1 is the last cop left. Officer Martin. He is here to call in a few others when hauling some off to federal jail. Officer Martin has known this would happen and agreed right away to help us get out of any legal terms after all is done.

Tracer Update:

4497813- Mission is a go

We all looked around at each other, mentally saying 'Good luck'. Turning around, Captain lead Set 1 and Austin lead Set 2 took off into the war zone. Set 4 went next from the roof being lead by Sayler. Time for Set 3 to go and with one last glance, I walked out with them right behind me.


(A/N) There may only be a few chapters left of this book but there will be a sequel. Need help with Book 2 title, comment suggestions below.

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