If Only...

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•••Unknown POV•••

I watched carefully as Danger and Captain left the cabin, leaving their two friends there both clueless and defenseless. I may be inexperienced when it comes down to weaponry but revenge is right up my alley.

I waited until the vehicle was no longer in sight before I took out my phone and called the boss.

"It's all clear."

"Alright, I'm going in."

"I'll keep watch."

Hanging up, I looked down from my current position to see him make his way behind the cabin and through a 3rd floor window.


•••Britt's POV•••

So what was originally a 45 minute trip turned into a 3 hour trip. Say and Austin probably think we fell off the face of the earth. Oh well.

As we walked in I noticed it was incredibly and oddly quiet. A million things ran through my head. Different scenarios and theories, all trying to put together what was going on.

Could they be asleep? No, it is like 2:30PM. Are they dead? Surely not. Did they leave? All the cars are here and there are no notes saying they went for a walk.

Breaking me of my thought process, Captain pointed out that there was a muffled sound coming from the upper levels. Could that be them? Gosh, I hope so. Running up the stairs with Captain hot on my heels, I turned my head in all directions.

As I had trouble figuring out the way to go, Captain pointed toward one of the walk-in closets. In my defense, the sound seems like it is coming from everywhere instead of one specific direction.

Walking closer, they were definitely in there but the door seemed to be locked. Last time I checked, none of the closets had locks...could it be barricaded? If so, what the heck with?

Nothing seems relevant. AT ALL! Suddenly, I hear something near the window. Looking over, I couldn't believe my eyes...

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